Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Marie Antoinette Travel Chest ~ Included Tea

My how travel mode has changed...

Travelling in the time of Marie Antoinette, often required stopping along the way to rest and recover from the bumpy movement of the horse drawn carriage.

The views must have been spectacular...

                                                            But definitely tiring...
Not to mention all that needed to be packed. Often a trip that may take a couple of hours today, would have taken days, weeks even months (sometimes years) back then. Imagine each time you decided to take a trip, needing to have a travelling chest like this to hold all  your travelling "necessities". 

Image credit  Queen Marie Antoinette's travelling chest, 18th century

Shorter journeys may of only required...

Open view of MA's necessity travelling truck, circa 1787-1789. The big rectangular chest in veined mahogany with the corners and hinges in gilded brass, contained:
a dressing set
desk accessories
a sewing kit
glasses and bottles in cut crystal
silver cutlery
porcelain tableware
Pair of coffee cups
candle pot
sweet box
pill box
pair of glasses
small plate
Onguent box (medicinal healing salve)
tea box

Image Credit
Image credit
Travel Tea Set, similar to the one used by MA, can be purchased in the Versailles gift boutique. But beware it could set you back a Queen's ransom in Euros.   

On my 2010 trip to Paris with the Mr. we spent half a day at Versailles (not enough time, to see all the beauty it has to offer).. But Mon Amis do not worry, we were there with enough time for me to discover the boutique and return home with this: 

Porcelain monogrammed "M A" Teacup... 

 It resides on my night stand for those times that just a petite cup of tea is required (especially just before going to bed, while enjoying a good book.) I think I may need to add some art work to that wall (amazing what you notice when you see an area in photos).

Yes, this Marie Antoinette inspired phone really works 
and I do use it.

I know back to the teacup! The "M A" monogram is surrounded by a garland of small flowers and roses. Produced by Manufacture de la Reine, located on Rue Thiroux in Paris.

Notice how the teacup sits right in the saucer, perfect for holding that evening tea biscuit - or spillage from moving about while sitting in bed trying to read.

The saucer is equally spectacular, with the "M A" monogram and garland of small roses and flowers.

Still working on the bottom of teacup photos.

Did you notice the picture frame of the photo of moi and mon Cheri, also has a garland adorned with flowers and roses...

Thank you for joining me today ...

Hop to see you at the BlogHomes of these fabulous hostesses, who are also hosting afternoon tea...

Tea Time Tuesday ~ with Sandi 
Martha's Terri's Tea Time Tuesday


  1. Love that traveling tea chest. WOW. The monogram teacup and saucer is so pretty.

  2. That travel chest, and the tea chest, are so amazing! I just love your tea cup, it is exquisite. What a wonderfully perfect cup to end the day with ~
    Have a fabulous week Celia,

  3. The travel and tea chests are amazing. The cups; exquisite!
    I'm glad you were able to pick one up for yourself.
    That phone is gorgeous! I love antique phones like yours; so pretty! Thank you dear Celia for sharing these beauties with us. Have a wonderful week.


  4. I love this post. We can't live like Marie Antoinette but I love the idea of being inspired by her to live a little more grandly. And how wonderful to be able to see her exquisite trunk. I have been lucky enough to visit both Versailles and Schonbrunn. Beautiful, beautiful palaces.

  5. that is soo lovely and I would die to go to Versailles!!! I also really love your phone, I would have one of those if i could handle a corded phone lol

  6. wow, I love the tea chest! Can you imagine those long trips...yikes. I get squirrelie riding a few hours in the car! Lovely teacup you are sharing this week. Have a great one!

  7. Oh what a darling tea cup and A LOVELY TOUR with Marie La Reine!!! Thank you sweet friend for your lovely comment. Yes, it all matters what we do and say! HUGS Anita

  8. Celia it is so beautiful to see your own piece of gorgeous memorabilia from the trip to Versailles.

    The travel and tea set are simply amazing!


    Art by Karena

  9. The photos as well as the history is amazing!
    This is the site I like the best so far when it comes to ID bracelets (ect) I think i am going to get myself just the simple key chain.
    My daughter on the other hand really needs a more visible reminder, I like these with the lobster claws that allow you to change styles and sizes as a person grows.

  10. Hello Celia
    Don't know if I could have survived back then but it sure is interesting to see al the necessities for travel.
    That's a sweet teacup you brought home, something to treasure.

  11. Wow, that chest carried a lot, seems like a tough way to travel.I have a antique phone and I use it too, looking to get another one. Where did you find your beautiful phone?
    Love your tea cup. I love a cup of tea before bed too.

  12. Gorgeous post! I love seeing the pictures of the traveling containers. I have never seen those before! I have been to Versailles though, and really enjoyed that! I saw those cups there too and really wanted to bring one home, but I brought home the needlework pillow with the M on it. Your cup looks lovely by your bed. I am sure you are really loving it! Lucky girl!
    Thank you so much for sharing your great post with us.

  13. What a wonderful traveling set! My goodness. The road was rough but the tea was elegant!
    I love your souvenir!

  14. Dearest Celia,

    What a lovely teacup and saucer that is! It would hold perfectly my just freshly baked amaretti hearts... Sorry for making you mouth water! You know what I'm talking about as you did taste one.
    Lovely post and one kind of dreams off to the other world, the 'old world'... You have lovely things and I was laughing as my thoughts were: hey that phone has a wire connected to it, so that might function. Next I read the sentence like you were talking to me. Answering my 'thoughts'...
    Love to you both and stay warm!


  15. I love the traveling tea chest! Your tea cup is so lovely. If I had one, I don't think I'd be able to use it! Love your antique phone as well. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love the Marie Antoinette movie. I love how you appreciate a good tea, the lovely china and the act of sitting down with friends to celebrate! xo

  17. Oh my goodness!! I do LOVE this post!

  18. What a great post idea, Celia. I've always loved that MA monogram!

  19. Celia, I loved this post! I also love that movie. I gave it to Ashley for Christmas this year. I never knew what her traveling tea party would look like. This was very interesting. Isn't that trunk beautiful too?
    So is your monogrammed teacup and saucer. My mother had a telephone like that in our home while I was growing up, and did work!
    Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Thank you for putting my class on your sidebar too.

  20. hello, just found you via karena's blog. what a lovely blog you have. you had me at 'sophia loren'. :) happy to be here and look.

    if one heel breaks, break the other one off and make them flats!

  21. Hi: I just love that cup! It is amazing! Thank you for sharing this wonderful post. It makes me want to see that movie again. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  22. Whew! I'm tired of the traveling and I haven't even left my seat! Just imagine having to bring all of that with you while traveling. It would make my head spin as would sitting in a carriage for days or even weeks!

    You have a beautiful cup and dish. It is so sweet and petite...just the right size!

  23. The traveling sets are gorgeous as is your special cup. I really like your phone too. Have a wonderful week. Warmly, Linda

  24. Hi Celia,
    thank you for taking me with you on your romantic tour. That is a fabulous post. I love the travel photos and I always adore this travel sets in every shape. Oh my, that is really luxury. What a fun to have this wonderful tea cup with MMarie Antoinettes monogram. It llok gorgeous to the phone and the silver frame. I hope, you will have sweet dreams after you enjoyed your evening tea and bisquit from that wonderful cup.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  25. Wow..!! This is interesting! I'm so glad I didn't live back then. It would have been to tiring to travel :) Wishing you a wonderful winter evening! Kristin ♥

  26. just look at the care taken in planning a trip. Now look at us... we can travel easily and we don't take the care and time to make it special anymore. Kind of like our lives... this was a GREAT post. Love the idea od a little cup of tea in that little saucer. Perfect, just perfect.
    Thank you for your comment on my blog about abandoning ourselves!
    YES! We need to support one another. And so happy to hear about the "maintenance" you did on yourself!!!
    Have a PRETTY day!

  27. Oh wow, so fabulous, indeed!! And I adored the movie "Under The Tuscan Sun," so I've got to go read that post!!! xo Cindy

  28. I just read your story and you are SUCH an inspiration!!! You are here for a purpose--and part of it is inspiring so many people~You're amazing!! xo Cindy

  29. Oh, I love, love, love this post! I'm passionate about history so I loved seeing all those photos, especially the tea chest! I haven't seen that movie - must rent it for a cold, snowy afternoon! Your teacup is delightful! So lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us!
    Hugs, Cindy

  30. WOW, your post is wonderful and I love the tea chest. Everything is stunning and your tea cup so pretty. Love that gorgeous phone too.
    Have a grand week.
    XO CM

  31. Wow- traveling was so glamorous back then! I love these sets you've featured. So charming and lovely! xo

  32. Our trip to Versailles was one of favorite parts of our trip to Paris.
    Sigh.... :)

    Sweet dreams!

  33. Thank you so much for this interesting post. I love the traveling chest with all of the tea ingredients and other essentials. How fun to think of it all, but how blessed we are there is no traveling that takes us days, weeks or months!


  34. Your cup is lovely ....How can you not love everything Marie...but omg ..I can't imagine having to carry all that luggage on a long trip. The tea caddy is filled with so many neat and interesting items...I want to use them ( ha ha) ... and of course that era is a real education as the show indicates. France is so beautiful and I thank you for the grand memories and voyage to Versailles.....ENJOY your phone calls... Hugs

  35. Hi Celia,
    Thanks for commenting on my blog! The travel chest is gorgeous and your tea set too! This is a great story! Traveling must've been exhausting, terrifying and exciting back then!
    Hugs from me!

  36. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. Your MA tea cup is perfect for your night stand. There is nothing like a warm cup of tea before bed. My daughter and I love having tea parties together. She asked me to a tea party when we're both feeling better. Snow Geisha from Teavana is our favourite.
    Wising you a lovely day! xoxo, B


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