Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Getting my Joie de Vivre Back ~Part one

Trying to re-discover your passion for life or your creativity ~ 
to say it can be overwhelming, would
certainly be an understatement. Making it worse is often the chaotic, treadmill we find our every day lives on.

Perhaps ... we can learn a little from those who have mastered the Joie de Vivre .

Take time to think, and reflect on your thoughts...
Even a bird needs a quiet place to think.

Treat yourself to the small things in life that really bring a smile to your face.

Take inspiration from those who are passionate about their creativity.
AND are doing it!!

Look back in time to the those who came before us and followed their passion, their dreams...

Remember asking for a little guidance .... believing and having faith goes a very long way.

Find your inner child. Children are fearless, and adventurous... 
take a chance.

Even the tiniest of God's creatures ~ will teach us , nothing is impossible!
Put your heart and soul into it and you too can get out of the cage your in!

I have taken the past week ... to pause and observe, those who seem to have figured out the "secret" to Joie de Vivre  ... can you guess where I have been doing my research?

joining ...



  1. Dearest Celia,

    Well, I will NOT spill the beans here as I know where you have been. Thanks for the lovely card that arrived just today; so timely. Welcome back home dear friend; I'm thrilled for you but certainly you will be worn out... There is so much to catch up on; laundry, mail, etc. etc. Like a punishment but you can put your head on the pillow and dream about your sweet memories. The vitamins for winter and for a new Joie de Vivre. After all, it IS worth it. Some people will be chasing their Joie de Vivre for a life time but I'm glad that you did follow your heart and a dear friend and found it back in many places.

    Love to you both and to the two furbabies!


  2. So glad you're back. Hope you took the time to renew your mind and spirit! My post today is about you!

  3. Wonderful thoughts and photos, as always Celia.


  4. great things to remember. I need to slow down and enjoy and realize what's around me.

  5. Precious Celia,

    This post means a LOT to me. JOIE DE VIVRE is what I live on...and lately, the stresses of work have been suffocating me and when that happens, WE ALL feel overwhelmed and powerless. But look at what you have chosen to HIGHLIGHT HERE....the beautiful and TIMELESS art of the ages, and GOD'S CREATURES. These are the things I love, and thank you for reminding me of how precious this life is and how short the days are for us to fill them with what we love.

    THANK YOU for coming to visit me and supporting my venture out into the art world. MAY YOU HAVE A SPLENDID DAY, full of LA JOIE DE VIVRE!!! Anita

  6. Such wonderful thoughts and photos, angel!!!!
    One thing very important, our inner child.... and yes animals can be a sort of inspiration.

    Hope you're finding your inner peace and that everything is going well with you and husband.

    Tons of love your way!!!

  7. Celia trust me I do know how difficult it can be!! You are certainly on the right track!

    Oh I have a designer pillow Giveaway I hope you will join! (a great resource as well)


    Art by Karena

  8. nothing restores my joie de vivre like
    puppies! they are so precious.

  9. Hope your trip gave you some new inspiration and a good rest. We all need that from time to time.


  10. The secret is pretty easy... to say. Its much harder to do.

    1. Enjoy the little things
    2. Take time for the little things
    3. If you can't fix it, don't stress about it.
    4. Learn to laugh at life

    ;) Waking up and being apart of life again is its own rich reward - I just wish it also didn't come with a dirty house!

  11. Perfect thing for me to see on a rainy Monday morning!

  12. So nice to have you back with us. And what a delightful post. A wonderful post for the new week. I'm taking time to savour the delights of life.

  13. I'm guessing Paris from all the photos? Well, I certainly hope ONE of us is in Paris!! I have been feeling that there is something I am supposed to "be doing." (career wise). I keep waiting for it to reveal itself to me... perhaps I need to get quiet or need a trip to Paris to figure it all out!! xo

  14. I just love your inspirations here, especially the little ones at the end! I can't wait to hear more... :)

  15. I've been dealing with the blues and loss of creativity myself lately. I'll take your advice today. I'll look around and enjoy what I've got and what my talents are. More importantly I'll keep the blues away. Thanks for stopping my Good Memories Cafe!

  16. La joie de vivre...beautiful post and i needed to remember today to be happy. Thanks ")

  17. ive seen so many posts recently about Paris me manque.

    It makes me regret not choosing to study abroad there next semester. It is one of my favorite cites in the world.

  18. Excellent perspective, thank you!

  19. Hi HHL,

    This is a great post -- I've been finding joy lately in homegrown fruit and vegetables (bottling olives, picking strawberries, garnishing with our own herbs, etc) and creating thoughtful gifts, gift-wrapping and sending thank you notes.

    It really is the simple things. : )

    Hope things are going well for you.



  20. Great post and wonderful words to live by! Were you in Paris??


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