Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Let the Celebrations Begin!!! Another BlogLand Friend is Published...

As someone who is working on her own novel, I know the ~ sweat, tears and yes sometimes blood that can go into writing a single sentence, on some days. So, when a friend sees her dream come to life after completely her novel ... I want to celebrate her achievement and share it with the world!!!

So, pour yourself a cup of tea or bubbly (coffee and ice-tea or lemonade will do too!!) and let me introduce you to one of the most fabulous,creative, inspring and brilliant writers I am honoured to know and whose writing I am privileged to read with my morning tea/coffee. (and who I hope to one day share a cup of tea and bubbly with).

My dear friend Carol just announced the release of her novel Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines . I am over the moon delighted for her!!! If you read the blog she writes, Facing 50 with Humour you already know she is a brilliant writer and has been working on her dream for  quite some time. I still recall the French doggie post about the petite chien that ate her last chapter.

Carol's book is available for downloading and will be available in print very soon!

If you are not already reading Facing 50 with Humour , what are you waiting for? Click on over there and be prepared to be entertained, and insipred by fabulous writing and adventures. You can also order Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines through a link on her blog.


  1. Hopping on over to check out her blog now and based off of that title the book sounds great too!

  2. Oooh, and be sure to check out my giveaway in the morning!

  3. I will be sure to check out her blog...what a huge achievement to write and publish a book.

    You are such a kind person to promote the accomplishments of others the way you do. I really like that about you...xo, A

  4. Dearest Celia,

    You're very kind for helping others! Wish I had the luxury to linger and read more...

    Lots of love,


  5. CONGRATS to Carol! How very exciting! I am so happy for her!
    Thank you for sharing , I am on my way to check it out right now,'Have a PRETTY day!

  6. Following her now as well! I love blogging we really are such a small community when to stop and think about it!

  7. You really are the most fabulous friend-I don't think I told you but I have made mention of you in the acknowledgement section of the book(printed version only). This is so kind of you. Writing the book has been fun but meeting people like you along the way has been even more rewarding.
    Have you had my card from Budapest yet or did those scoundrels in The Four Seasons Hotel not post it for me :)

  8. Thanks for the suggestion. I really enjoy reading, so I will check it out.

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  10. It sounds like a great read....thank you, I will be reading it as soon as it's available....xv

  11. Facing 50 with humor, now that's something I need to
    How fun and how nice of you to introduce us to your friend. I'll go check out her book (love reading and the books seems fun). thanks darling!

  12. How exciting and what a wonderful accomplishment! I wish her the best... and how nice of you to introduce us to your friend.
    Wishing you a beautiful day!!
    xoxo, B


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