Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Are you ready?

With all the snow, rain and cold temperatures many of us are more than ready for the warmth of spring and heat of summer! Just a reminder that its been a long winter and with all the layers of clothing parts of us may require some attention: 
Are your toes and heels sandal ready?  What about your nails and hands?
You may want to book a pedi and mani at your local spa.
Add a paraffin treatment for extra silky smooth feet and hands. 

 Spring is the perfect time to get a body scrub treatment. It will help exfoliate the dead skin cells that have been building up under the layers of sweaters, leaving it refreshed, polished and glowing. Making your body ready for tanning,especially if you use self tanners, starting with smooth flake free skin is a must.
Treat yourself!! 

Attention to other body parts that have been covered during the winter may also be in order. If an unexpected heat wave hit tomorrow - are your legs skirt, short ready? Are your underarms ready for a  sleeveless shirt or fabulous Lilly shift dress? Whether you wax or laser is the time to make it a regular part of your weekly or monthly grooming.

And when the call of the beach is loud... don't miss out, make sure your bikini line is ready!! 

I would love to hear about other things you do to get your body warm weather ready.
This is Part 1 of a 3 part series on getting warm weather ready!


  1. Oh dear! I read this I realised I am in serious state of neglect. I shall now go and do something about it immediately. Thank you for reminding me to make an effort.
    Hugs XOXO

  2. I just took a nice soak in my jaccuzzi last night and pumiced the heck out of my feet. I get pedis every two weeks but man do I wnat to try that paraffin one now! Thanks for the heads up. Oh hair…why were women born wiht it anyways?! ha! Have a great one, pretty lady!

  3. I'm ready Celia! Well ... I FEEL ready, but I don't look quite like those gorgeous pictures you posted ... still, bring it on!

  4. Body scrubs are probably my favorite spa treatment! Pedicures and waxes are also spring/summer staples!

  5. so ready for summer....been going to the gym almost everyday since january!

  6. Celia everything you have mentioned Plus, a great coverup, sheer but where you feel comfortable walking around the pool to your lounge!

    Of course a fab sunhat from The French Basketeer!

    Hydrate inside and out!! Lots of water and cream everywhere.

    Art by Karena

  7. I love this post! Since it stays fairly warm all year in LA, I am always sure to keep up with my toes and have my legs skirt ready (i.e shaved and with a little sunless tanning lotion!). But I do like to get a body scrub before the days of summer to get rid of the dead skin cells and start the season feeling new!

  8. I really need a pedicure and an all over body exfoliation with a thorough moisturizing.
    I like to make sure I always have a chapstick with an SPF in it and I keep lots of fresh water available where ever I am to hydrate.

  9. I begin the all over body moisturising and taking more care with nails! lol!! I have bikini waxes year through (ouch) so luckily I never feel like that's a chore. Is it wrong that I enjoy heading to the spa and even though it's a pain it feels like a nice treat?!

  10. I change my winter wardrobe for my spring/summer one. And I switch to moisturizers with SPF 50. Oh, and start shaving my legs again. LOL

    I don't like for people I don't know to touch me so no spa type pampering for me! Our daughters are split on this: 2 do all out and 2 are more like me.

  11. I try to emphasize a daily indulgence to my fam, friends and clients... a decadent lotion, deep conditioning, a tooth whitener, fresh toenail poilish... something on a daily basis so that when season changes i am not in the running for a total makeover show... Plus it is important to take some "me" time consistently so that you can conquer the world with your best face on... xo

  12. Oh my!! I'm in dire need of a pedicure, that's for sure.

    Btw, I just awarded you The Versatile Blogger Award. Hope you can stop by and accept it ;-)

  13. omg i neeed a pedicure! cant wait to start wearing some summer clothes :) stopping by from mingle mondays! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  14. I do all that except i do it myself :)
    Love it! You made me smile last year too about the pedicure...Such a good reminder.
    Love ya!

  15. Dearest Celia,

    Excellent post! You cover it very well. Before we went to Florida, of course I took care of this. Would love to get the parafine treatment though!

    Lots of love,


  16. Of course, you know, my seasons are backwards so we are preparing for winter. It has suddenly gotten cold the past couple of days and I find I am not ready !!
    I am already feeling dry and wrinkled :)
    Parafin sounds good, I would like to dip my entire body in a vat of parafin lol.
    un beso, C

  17. Well, the warm weather is here and I am still not ready! Diet still in effect....but my toes and skin will welcome your tips here

  18. You must be reading my mind! I've been thinking of spending an afternoon at the Elmwood Spa soon.

  19. I get my pedi and manni every other week. I must make an apt to have a consult for a great way to wear my hair in the summer heat and humidity!
    I make a great body scrub anf will start buffing... Thanks for the reminder!

  20. I so need to get ready for the warm weather!! Its been such a cold spring here that its been hard to believe I actually get to wear flip flops again!! :)
    New follower from the hop :) Looking forward to reading more!!

  21. It's cooling down here again, I can't wait for it to stay warm!

    I found your blog through a blog hop and am now following you on GFC. I'd love it if you could stop by and follow me back. Thanks and have a great week!

  22. Oh my, I'm in need a much needed day of pampering. Very much so. And thanks for sharing. PS - I'm a new follower too.

  23. I need to get my pedicure scheduled. My feet could use a pick-me up, LOL!


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