Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Massage Therapy & the Wax Pot

I have been seeing the same Massage Therapist for about 3 years now. I don't know what I would without her. She is truly God sent, along with massage therapy she does cranial sacral which works on the damage to my neck and cerebral spinal fluid. After her sessions I feel my body actually relax from its constant protective state from pain by tensing its self even more. Sometimes the relieve may only last a couple of hours, but for that time I can breathe.

Three years is a long time, one gets to know the other quite well. So during our sessions  a month ago ( I see her twice a week), she commented on my pedicure or lack of is more accurate. To which I admitted had not been touched since our trip to Peru at Christmas. Knowing how I take pride in my appearance she questioned this... I really did not have an answer for her aside from I forget to book an appointment or I'm just tired of people poking at me (since my accident mani/pedi are something that I can no longer do myself ... and each time I go in for a mani/pedi is a reminder of something else I must depend on others for). I know many of you are saying .."Wow, I'd love to have the excuse of needing someone to do that"... trust me when you have to, its no longer that treat of pampering you feel. Any ways, I promised that I would go in and have it done before our next session (which I did).

Well, she is quite observant  in over the last couple of sessions she started commenting on the slight grass spikes growing on my lower legs and during our last visit the "shadow" she noticed when I lifted my arm. So when I showed up for my last session of this week ~ she said "by the way I have my wax pot on". After some discussion I agreed I would get my legs and under arms in to see my esthetician before our next session.

I'm going to make standing appointments with my esthetician ~ this will solve the forgetting to make appointment part (you may be asking yourself could you forget? well that's what having an ABI is like, if you don't do it at that moment you are thinking of it may not get done). You may be asking what about shaving? Well, that is something that I would require assistance with - the ability to control the shaver at proper angle and pressure can be a challenge.

What came out of our discussion was even deeper than the need for waxing ( my Massage Therapist, is not in the habit of pointing this sort of thing to her clients) which she only brought up to me because in the past three years she has gotten to know me quite well... and this was certainly not normal for me, thus she was highly concerned. Subconsciously I was rebelling against depending on others. Since its not something that affected my health and was concealed by clothing, it was my way of feeling some control over my limitations.

I am sharing this in hopes that it may help others to pick up on subtle changes in grooming in either themselves or those close to them that may be a result of something deeper.

So thankfully I will not be joining these ladies in the future...

Have you found yourself in a similar situation?


  1. Oooh.. it's awesome catching the stars with hairy pits - hahaa.. nice ones. My hubby likes to point out when mine need to be groomed, I think he has a hairy pit phobia. LOL.

    Latest follower from Say Hi Sunday ;)

  2. I'm pretty good about my grooming. I'm a girly girl for sure. But...I have noticed I sometimes go a little longer in the winter months in shaving my legs.

    So glad you have a massage therapist who is a friend too.


  3. I have gone with the hairy legs at times... like after my surgery. It drives me crazy though. LOL I love the photos you found of the stars caught. ;) Thanks for joining us for Let's Get Social! I had to remove your comment on my blog, because it was in a giveaway post, but I'm following you back. :)

    Mother of Pearl It Is

  4. New Follower from Say Hi Sunday!
    I recently started waxing and it saves so much time although it is a bit painful. I haven't tried armpit waxing before though....hmmm... Maybe that can be next!


  5. Dearest Celia,

    Glad you got a dear massage-therapist-friend all in one! That's what you need constantly; caring and realiable people that don't remind you of your own limitations. Oh, I know so well after I got paralyzed how hard it was to shave my legs and to groom. People who never have been there have no inkling what it feels like for not even being able to hold a tweezer and work on an eyebrow.

    I'm so glad that my Lampe Berger Angel Cameo lamp is going to you! The shipping I will take care of; on angel wings at no cost! That kind of bonds us as I have the very same one and I LOVE it.
    Have a great Sunday and stay strong and continue putting your feelings into words for others that might need it badly.

    Lots of love,


  6. Hilarious catching the stars with hairy pits :))

    How I understand you angel.... but fortunately you got a massage-therapist who cares and is your friend.

    I think we don't forget, we simply don't care even if we think we care there's something inside that says "what for??".
    But don't let that hidden voice take care of you, listen the other voices that pull you up.

    You are a Diva!!!!! You must treat yourself like one.

    Lots and lots of love

  7. Oh's winter!
    I think you would be surprised to find out how many women dont deal with these things when it's too cold to expose any of them!

    On the other hand...I do recall some of your friends in your area saying they were going to stay on top of you with regards to these sorts of appointments!

    I havnt had a pedi since the day we went to Stillwater - I just havng had time!

  8. It is wonderful that you have developed such a good bond with your massage therapist... it helps to get the most benefits from the massage if you are relaxed and you are obviously comfortable with her. I need to find one myself... my neck is a mess and the chiropractor alone is not helping. He gave me a referral so I think you just gave me the motivation to call her and make an appointment! xo

  9. If I were you I would see it as a treat and not as having to rely on someone. I have a mani and pedi every two weeks ..I can't do it myself as I am too fussy plus, I enjoy it. I shave though, one thing about being blonde and getting older is that my hair growth is fine and its part of my daily routine. xx
    PS Love all those photos, although shocked that they are so badly groomed

  10. I am certainly much less concerned in winter than I am in spring or summer, but these people are starts for heavens sakes, truely if you are going to go out dressed then they need to groom to go with it, otherwise it totaly ruins that million dollar look.

    Just Stopin by to say hello and let you know I came Hoppin on over on this Sunday morning from Az. and the Shibley Smiles Sunday Blog Hop, and look forward to hopping into you again sometime soon.

    Have a Hoppy Sunday and see you next week!

    Meet me on Sunday
    Blog Hop Round Up!

  11. Visiting on the hop from Edge of Escape
    Hate shaving! Wish it would be in style to be hairy . . . maybe those photos of celebs will get the hairball rolling.

  12. I do let my legs go a little bit come winter.

  13. While I am very lucky to have blond hair (and therefore can go a bit without shaving) I am insulted by the expectation that all women need to shave to be attractive or fit in with society.

    (I'm not saying this is your view point, obviously your own personal hygiene and rooming is your business! Seriously, stubble free legs feel to die for!)

    After living in Tanzania for 5 months, I realized that women should continue to support each other on their views (as there is really nothing unhygienic about not shaving) and not try to set a cultural norm. Not shaving daily was fairly liberating!

    I applaud these celebrities for doing what they feel is right and not feeling that they have to change their bodies just to fit in with our culture.

    (On that - I am currently getting laser hair treatment because my bikini and under arm hair annoy the bejebus out of me!)

  14. Why do I feel like you were personally directing this post towards my legs?! LOL!! Glad I found u through the Sunday Social. Stop in sometime at


  15. My dad can't do a lot for himself because of arthritis, and at first he had a hard time letting people do things for him. I'm sorry you are feeling the same way. Enjoy those massages...I really need to try that cranial sacral for my neck.

    I hope you're having a great weekend!

  16. I am very keen on grooming, manicure and pedicure forthnightly.
    Once monthly I treat myself to massage, facial and so forth a luxurious spa. At home I make a natural face mask and apply whilst soaking in the bath-tub.

  17. Note to self...make sure you are well groomed before wearing revealing clothing. LOL

    Thanks for linking up with us on Let's Get Social. We appreciate you helping us get the word out!
    I'm returning the follow luv and hope to see you back next Sunday!
    Guide to Smart Shopping

  18. Oh where to start.... Yes, I have found myself in the same situation but it was my boyfriend, now husband, who has NO problem with pointing out when I need a wax. (he's offered to do it) I had my underarms lasered several times so the hair grows very faint. I can go weeks without shaving because I don't notice the fine hairs. One day he lifted my arm up and pulled on a few of the hairs... Now... I check.... But about the legs... I am not bothered. If it's too long I can't stand it, I do something about it. Otherwise, if it's not showing....
    Found you on Blog Hop Monday... great blog.

  19. I have to admit I've gone out of the house with capris on and thought I hope no one notices the stubble. One benefit, it does keep me away from the shoe department for the day! :) xoxo

  20. I have to say first. Oh Wow. You have so much strength !
    I had a Therapeutic massage few weeks ago and i killed me. I can't imagine how much Therapy you are going through. I agree with being dependable. I don't like it either.
    Oh i don't like it !
    When i am pregnant i can't shave and touch my toes...With 60 extra pounds i can't either.
    At least we can pay someone to do it. I am glad you are being pampered in the process too.
    I want to thank you for your comments and encouragements and care. You are so wonderful. Thank you for being my friend :)

  21. Hello darling... I completely understand that you are tired of letting people "poke" at you. How wonderful that you have developed a friendship with your massage therapist. Have you considered laser hair removal or an Emjoi?
    My message therapist closed her business.. I miss her so much! I felt like a new woman when I left her office.
    Wishing you a lovely week!
    xoxo, B

  22. HHmmm - a hairy situation!! You are a riot!! Im sure they were all nicely smoooth for the Academy's though. I just had an awesome massage last week. It relieved about 40% of my stress. Note to self - bring drool bucket:) You seriously need to get in the habit of a massage at least twice a month to win the full benefits in my opinion.

  23. Hello,

    What timing! Monday morning as I was looking in the mirror while applying my makeup I realized that over the past several months I have not been taking very good care of my appearance in all aspects - hair, feet, nails, apparel, etc. Not sure what put me in this funk and wish someone had pointed it out to me much sooner!

    You are lucky to have developed a friendship with your massage therapist. It was nice how she gently pointed it out to you. Now that I have received two nudges regarding personal care, I guess I better get on the phone and set up appointments to have my hair and nails done!


  24. It sounds like you've found a massage therapist you really like. That's great!

  25. Good post. It sounds like you and your massage therapist have a close relationship.

  26. Thanks for sharing your story about your massage therapist. It sounds like you are quite please with her.


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