Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Living the Life You Deserve!!!

As I work my way through the Umbrella for Living Plan ~ Foundation (you can read about plan here and foundation here) I came across some books one of my besties gifted me, in the early days of my recovery. At the time I recall thinking "my life is over and she wants me to look at how it will be ... she's crazy."

Well a couple  years later here I am ~ book in hand and thinking what have I got to lose? As, I scanned the book the one thing that I noticed was how congested these boards all looked. This was a bit over whelming to me, but the message the book was conveying made sense.

With Mr. G's help I started going through piles of magazines that I'd been given or purchased over the past 4 years. It was amazing how many magazines I had accumulated. That I had not discarded them, was even more interesting. At any rate, I started the process of cutting out images, words and phrases that I felt would be useful in creating my "vision board". So, after a few weeks of going through the magazines I had accumulated quite the collection of cut-outs. They sat in a Tupperware container for a few more weeks.

While puttering about the house I came across a painters canvas I had purchased during one of my escape visits to Micheal's ~ no, I don't paint but it was 1/2 price. At the time I had no idea what I would use it for. I started placing my collected  images, words, and phrases on the board. But, it just wasn't coming together... overlapping the cut-out pieces was making my head spin. So, the board and Tupperware container were left to the side. Every now and then I would take a look at it; add a new cut-out here and there and move others around (I had not started gluing anything down it was easy to move things about). Something was missing ~ I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Being someone who believes in Angels and their helping hand, I finally asked for some help. As, I moved the cut-outs around the board - for what I'm sure was the millionth time. Mr. G handed me some magazines he had come across in organizing the storage area. Getting frustrated with the lack of progress I was making on the board, I agreed to take a break (Mr. G is getting better at averting or at least reducing the extent of my frustration break-downs). I started to go through the newly discovered pile of magazines. After about 20 minutes or so, I started flipping through pages of an Oprah magazine ... I couldn't believe what I had discovered ... no it wasn't a word, or phrase or image ... it was a whole page!!

Scared that in all my excitement to get it out I would tear it, I carefully removed the page from the magazine. the moment I placed the page on the "vision board" everything else seemed to come together .. just like an orchestra playing. I couldn't move my cut-outs fast enough into their places.

page was found in O The Oprah Magazine, November 2010 issue
Also , what I started to notice is that due to the "page" everything on the vision board seemed to have its place ~ it wasn't cluttered or overwhelming, my brain could follow each section. And there was also space to add more cut-outs to the board if I needed to.

Now, I had to locate the perfect place, somewhere I would see it regularly. I tried a few places throughout the house. We are still under some renovations, so things get moved about a lot. Then it hit me, I would place it above my writing desk. As, I write I will be reminded of how my life "is" (everything about a Vision board is meant to be looked at as it's occurring ... so that all the energy is focused on positive in the Present).

There are lots of windows in this area (I set up camp in the kitchen) with a beautiful view to the back of our property.

I try to keep my writing area as simple as possible, the less distractions the better for my head's ability to think and process my thoughts to words.

The things I keep around me have comforting meaning ...

A cup from the Versace cup collection Mr. G started for me a couple years ago, along with a little silver teapot ... looking at it makes me feel warm and reminds me... STOP and have a cup tea if the words aren't coming when I'm writing. Some days I drink lots and lots of tea ...

To me a the word Vision implies in the future .. so I have chosen to call mine the Living Life Board. I have also created my Living Life Board by cutting and pasting with scissors and glue (scrap booking two sided tape works well on the small pieces); but there are many online sites where you can create an on-line vision board and save it as a screen saver. The important thing to remember is to have it in a place that you can see it daily and can be reminded just how wonderful your life "IS".

Also don't be afraid to ask for a little help. Looking back over the creation of my Living Life Board; I now realize it has been in the making for sometime ~ even before I knew it, I was collecting the items that would be required to create it.
Do you have a Vision/ Living Life board?

Don't forget to check the Blog Hop tab under header for some great Blog Hops!!!

part of Getting My Life Back !!HHL series


  1. HI
    I am a new follower from the blog hop.
    I blog at
    I hope you will stop by

  2. Visiting from Follow Friday. Love this idea. Unfortunately, I've been reading decluttering blog posts and have gotten rid of most of my magazines. Now I have a good excuse to start back up again!

  3. Dearest Celia,

    Again, a very great post with lots of help for those that need it! You show a lot of your personal qualities in this blog! The taste you have and the sentiments of certain treasured items like the Gianni Versace cup & saucer from your personal Guardian Angel; the silver teapot and even the beautifully romantic writing desk and chair itself.
    You got more class than the average woman! So your Life's Vision board is great but what shows underneath it in your photo even emits a more powerful message. You're a very modest ROLE MODEL!

    Lots of love and a big hug for being such a classy lady!!!


  4. What a wonderful idea and you've done a great job. Congrats.

    Happy weekend sweet friend!

  5. Hi! No board for me - but my blog summarises where I want to be, what I want to be doing and how I want to do it!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I love your writing space..the desk and the tea LOL
    I also love the mood board I do not know what I would put on mine .. I think that is my problem xx

  7. Celia,
    This is really great. It kind of reminds me of my post on having a Life Verse. It's good to be able to see it every day for inspiration and to center yourself. Being human, we sometimes need visual reminders of our faith. It's an act of faith to make one!
    I hope you have received your package in the mail by now. I mailed it last Thursday but the post office said it could take a week.
    PS: I love your desk/writing area.

  8. Beautiful post. And gorgeous desk! It would be hard not to be inspired sitting in such a lovely space. I want to tell you that you do an amazing job conveying your connection to 'spirit'. When I read your blog I can truly feel something more (read "more" in italics) in your words than in the average blog. Well done. Happy to be a reader!

  9. Hi, I'm your new follower from the Saturday Stalk Remix. Nice Blog! I'm looking forward to reading your posts. Visit me at

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love this idea. I am going to start my own "living life board" to remind me of all the wonderful things in this world their are!


  12. Hi,

    What a great idea! I've thought about doing one for a while now. Heaven knows, I have enough magazines to fill-up more than one vision board. LOL.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

    BTW, I'm following from the Friday Follow 40 & Over.

  13. I actually have a dream board with pics & words, and another with just words and quotes...

    I am a magazine hoarder, too!

    Visiting from Never Growing Old's Over 40 blog hop...

    I have a few blogs:

    Blogging Biz Mom

    Working at home advice

    Come on home

    Have a fantabulous weekend!

  14. I love your vision board and it is such a great reminder for you of what you want out of life. Mr. G. sounds wonderful!! xo

  15. Hi HHL,

    Thanks for sharing your Vision Board; I have a sense of it serving as an inspirational catylst.

    The words, Living, Love, Passion, Purpose, Family, Romance, Transformation, Success, Confidence, Faith, Blessed, and Happiness all resonate the voice of vision and inspiration.

    Blessings and peace.


  16. An amazing posy and I do love the Vision Board. Puts things into perspective. The versace cup is a beautiful touch.. the colors, and the intricate design is some what similar to life

  17. I love your collage. It reminds me of when I couldn't talk so I drew what I felt. that image of what I wanted helped me move towards it. Happy Valentines day...hope it's showered with His love.

  18. Love your desk and the tea cup. I keep my vision board above my desk too.

  19. I love the idea of a vision board!! And I love that you drink lots and lots of tea - sth we have in common :) Have a lovely Saturday!

    Kristin xo

  20. I love your board! I have several angels and a lot of journals occupying my writing area. I am a messy writer so every chair stool and shelf has something on it before I finish for the day.
    I always start with a cup of very hot tea and if it is a good writing day my tea gets cold.

  21. What an amazing idea! I am challenged. I like what you said about keeping your writing area as simple as possible! I think mine is way too cluttered so I am going to attack it and clean it out right now then work on a board! Visiting from SITS.

  22. wonderful... Glad I found you through the blog hop!!! Hoping you stop by and follow me back - Check out my new giveaway...

  23. Your vision board is beautiful as is your writing area. It's amazing how things come together sometimes when they just didn't seem to in the past. Asking for a little help is a wonderful idea.

  24. No I don't have one. But I'm thinking I'm should.

  25. Bonjour mon amie! What a marvelous idea. You never cease to amaze me with your positive attitude - you are an inspiration. I also try to keep my working area clutter free (I said I try...). Your Umbrella for Living Plan is brilliant, I will head over to read more.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Mr G,

  26. I just found your blog and it is very inspiring. I just started blogging at the end of Dec 10', my philosphy is the same about living a simple live. I need to make one of these boards just to keep me focused on the direction that I want to go. Maybe than I can keep my posts focused on that?
    I am now a follower and you can come visit me here

  27. I had a hard time at first looking at your board because I was drooling over your desk. So awesome--truly an inspiring place to write.

    That said, I was intriqued by your life board and wonder if I should begin one. Sometimes I have trouble merging all the parts of my life goals and dreams.


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