Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, September 17, 2010

Can a doggie get some Rufivacy? ~ DolcePaws Friday

Ok.. so there is all this talk about autumn ... but all
 I'm feeling is rain and cold!!
Now... Mommy says I need to wear a rain coat...

Hmmm... this just doesn't feel right... I don't think I can do
my doggie business in this yellow coat..
and these boots squishing my paws ~ 
not helping the situation.....

Daddy... Woof..Woof... the rain coat is bad enough...
how am I suspose to concentrate .. with that camera??

A doggie bed fit for a Prince
in this case a Dolce...

Mommy .... woof..woof.. I'm trying to sleep...

WOOF...WOOF... still trying to sleep...
its been a ruff day!!

Ok . if I roll over and pretend I don't see her,
maybe she'll go away and I can sleep!!!

Hope you had a better day...

P.S. My Doggie friend Molly, across the pond just had some surgery
please visit her and send her some Blaws here

Mommy's BlogFriend Frenchy, from  Le Chateau des fleurs
brought a great cause (dear to my doggie heart) to the spotlight...
please do your part to help four~legged Furbabies everywhere!

This year, The Pedigree Adoption Drive is raising awareness for homeless dogs by donating a bowl of food to shelter dogs for everyone who becomes a "Fan" or "Likes" The Pedigree Adoption Drive on Facebook. So far, more than one million bowls of food have been donated!

And get this: Pedigree will also donate a 20 pound bag of their new dog food (Pedigree Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs), to shelters across the country, for each blog post that mentions this adoption drive-wow!

All that you have to do is take a few minutes by September 19th, to do two things:

Become a "Fan" of The Pedigree Adoption Drive on Facebook right here
Write a short post on your blog that highlights The Pedigree Adoption Drive. Feel free to use Pedigree's tagline, "Dog's Rule".

Pedigree's search engines will automatically pick up these key words and, presto, the food will be donated!

DolcePaws & Licks until next Friday!!!!


  1. I agree...This is a nice cause and you are so sweet to even link it back to me :)
    Thank you so much also for your support and kind words...You are just the best :)
    I think you are the best Mom! Look at the cute rain coat and bed! HAAAA
    I think Zacky and your little girl would be great friends :)
    This is funny because i am teaching all the kids in the neighborhood how to introduce their dogs to new dogs, so they can be friends....Now Zacky has a lot of friends...LOL

    Have a happy day dear friend.

  2. How sweet is your little fur babies shower proof ensemble and his bed I would happily curl up on there every night! This sounds like a brilliant cause,great that you are getting behind it and I hope you friend gets lot's of support for it! I must pop over and visit! Sharon xx

  3. How sweet is your little fur babies shower proof ensemble and his bed I would happily curl up on there every night! This sounds like a brilliant cause,great that you are getting behind it and I hope you friend gets lot's of support for it! I must pop over and visit! Sharon xx

  4. Oh my! I can't even look at your lovely pooch in that bed.. I mean..I'm melting.. is there anything cutest or sweeter ??? I want to hug her (gently!!)
    Big hugs to the two of you

  5. Love the raincoat & his bed! I'm going to do the dog's rule thing on my Friday Fragments post today.

  6. Dolce darling you look pawsitively adorable in your rain gear!

    How funny that you should post about darling Dolce's princely bed today. This morning I finalized the plans for Hunter and Justice's bed. Now today at lunch I will draw up the plans so I do not forget all the details I thought about on the way to work.

    Great post! You know how much I love animals so I will add my support.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  7. Oh, my!!! Thanks for putting a BIG smile on my face today!!!!!!
    You two are too much in your matching rain gear!!!!

  8. OMGAWD!!!!!!!! Those pictures are precious and the ones in the bed....they could be in a calendar!!!!

    I will go check it all out.

    I hope your weekend is awesome sweet friend!


  9. What a cute bed!!! He is such a lucky dog!! Thanks for entering my giveaway and good luck to you! Have a lovely weekend!! Hugs, Kristin

  10. My little Louis the Westie has a raincoat just like Dolce's! It has taken him ages to get used to, poor little thing.

    And Dolce really sleeps in that bed?!?! I love it :) I dare say I've not seen anything much cuter than that!

  11. that is the cutest little prince in the world.
    i would love to have one of those.

    i will visit the inspiring pedigree spot.

    have a lovely weekend. hope it's not too
    wet. still super hot down here.

  12. I don't have a dog (son does tho) but this post with your baby was really cute and will go do the donate thing! Visiting via SITS (you were above me).

  13. I don't have a dog (son does tho) but this post with your baby was really cute and will go do the donate thing! Visiting via SITS (you were above me).

  14. Hello there dear one! I just love your photos with your dear little pup! And I want to thank you for always coming to my posts....I am not always able to get around to everyone, but do know that I so enjoy your vision for a sweet and peaceful world of love and kindness towards man and beast!!!! BISOUS, Anita

  15. I love your lovely yellow mac, and Molly is delighted with all your well wishes. She is recovering well, we have moved a rug and a coffee table into the part of the kitchen where her cage is... we call it "Molly's Lounge" so that she is not alone all the time...the kids love it xx

  16. Hello!!! Will link up to the site on another post, thanks for that ...

    Dolce could not be any cuter. Seriously, that rain gear is too much!

  17. How adorable!! We tried to put a raincoat on our miniature schnauzer when I was growing up. She refused to go outside. She would pull back if you tried to pull her out the door and she would pout until we took the coat off. haha Dogs are funny. and I love her princess bed!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  18. Hey HHL,

    Have become a Facebook fan. This is a wonderful cause!

    We have two cats from the animal shelter and they are absolutely beautiful -- Minnie and Jemma.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. : )

    ~ Becks

  19. Dolce...I love you. I will share the info on this promotion. It's a good one. Wish it were local.

  20. I think Dolce's bed is way better than mine!! Way too cute!

  21. Lily just saw this blog post and she is VERY cross with me. She says she is being neglected. She says she NEEDS that bed, even though she will continue sleeping in ours. She also demands that I get her one of those jackets STAT. It seems that I mist go shopping.;-)

  22. What a cute little puppy you have!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by Mingle Monday! :)


  23. Hi! I found you on the [Life of Meg] Monday Mingle. I am anxious to learn more about your journey.

    I wish you the very best!

    Stef @

  24. Hi! I found you on the [Life of Meg] Monday Mingle. I am anxious to learn more about your journey.

    I wish you the very best!

    Stef @

  25. What a precious pup! And what an awesome cause! I love a blog by a fellow dog lover!

    Just stopping by from Mingle Monday!

  26. ahh so adorable!!!! i just died a little haha i love your dog!!!!!


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