Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, August 27, 2010

How long is that machine going to play with my toys??

That's the sound I've been waiting for!!!

Mommy the machine made that sound...
Its done playing with my toys!

Thats my Blankie...

What else is in there thats mine?

 Rover ... I missed you...

Thanks Mommy... my Blankie is so soft and sweet
my toys smell really nice too!!


  1. I want to steal your dog !! You know that don't you :) xx

  2. OMG THIS IS WAY TOO CUTE!! All clean, tout blanc, tout propre!!!! HEEEEE! What a sweetie puppy you have dear dear one!!!! AND THANK YOU for coming to leave a comment on my post. Your comments are so sweet; I feel so fortunate to have met all of YOU and that we are all connected. Belle Inspiration will be chocked full of diverse points of view on decorating, living...the first issue looks really stunning, and to think I am a part of it, thanks to Mimi. Thank you for subscribing dearest one! ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND! Anita

  3. What a cutie! This makes me yearn for a new puppy, but we'll have to old off on that one for a long while. I'll just have to check in with your pup for my dog fix!

  4. I just love that you documented this in photos! My babies are the same way with their blankies and toys come out of the wash!

  5. Aww what a little angel! hehhe Too cute!

  6. I have had my Dolce fix so now my Friday is almost complete! I just need my 3:00 p.m. dark chocolate fix. My Hunter (Labrador) gets impatient when his favorite blanket is in the dryer. He is so funny when I take it out and put the clean blanket on the floor. He practically dives onto it and then rolls on his back and wiggles all over it with his feet up in the air!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    ~ Tracy

  7. My dog used to have lots of stuffed animals, too! Sweet. Happy weekend!

  8. Awwwww...look at that precious face. I've seen that look too from Miss Daisy when I gather her things to wash them. I try to do it all on the day she goes to be groomed so that all is clean at the same time.


  9. I love fridays and sweet little Dolce! Sooo cute!
    Have a great weekend :)

  10. Oh! And many thanks for entering my giveaway, I wish you much luck!

  11. Hi, Lucky Dolce! Nothing better than a snuggly warm blankie :-) My pup is trying to fish his ball out from under the island that ate his ball (this happens on a daily basis, I think he likes the challenge of getting it back out :-)
    Have a Great Weekend!

  12. So adorable !
    As you know, I have a Pup slightly larger than your sweet Dulce and he is the same way with his toys and blanket.
    What would we do without them ?

  13. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Your dog is adorable!!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Hello, I just came across your blog... Your pictures are just beautiful! The "kiddo" (dog) is the cutiest ever~
    Thank you for sharing!

  15. He/she is too cute! Visiting from Confessions of a Semi-Slacker Mom.

  16. Hahahaha, that is so gorgeous.

    I bet that's what doggies think too -- "the machine is playing with my toys"!

  17. How precious is that puppy dog?!?!? Just too!!!! This post made me smile this morning....thanks!!!!


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