Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, August 22, 2010

1st Give away WINNER IS....

Thank you for all the sweet comments that everyone left. There were 54 Participants, total entries 68. Draw was conducted the old fashion way:

Name for each entry was copied onto slip papers and folded;
Placed in draw bag;

With all the excitement of having the first give away draw - Dolce became excited too!
He wanted to enter his little bear into the draw bag...

After explaining that he was not eligible for the draw ... he is family and that
bear could not go in ( I know you are smiling .. but you try getting a FurBaby
to understand...), the draw continued. Mr. G. did the honours...

And the WINNER is...

Congratulations AtlYankeeBelle!!!

Atlanta Yankee Belle is a new follower of Falling Off A HHL, I discovered her blog via her entry into the Give away. My visit over to her corner of BlogLand, found a really sweet Blog.Show some BlogLove and pop on over and congratulate her.

Atlanta Yankee Belle, please email me your mailing address at and I will get your mini Lilly P. agenda and note book out to you.

Falling Off A High Heeled Life, has made it to 100 follower mark so..
Visit often .. more Give Aways to come ...

To all who entered Thank you so much for making my 1st Give away such a fun and exciting adventure. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all your sweet comments on my posts. It is your encouragement, support, love and comments that keep me writing and put a smile in my day!!!


  1. Congratulations, Atlanta Yankee Belle! -EW

  2. OMG! thank you soo much! Ive entered a lot of giveaways but Ive never won one! yay! Im so excited :) thank you soo much!

  3. Congratulations to the winner!!!

    And much love to you, sweetie!


  4. Congratulations to the winner!!

    Just stopped by to hi!!

  5. Congratulations to the winner....a great giveaway and a beautiful blog..

  6. Congratulations to the lucky winner and to you HHL for hitting 100 followers!!
    Thank you for hosting such a fabulously 'Lilly' giveaway!
    Hope you have a marvelous week, my friend!

  7. Congratulations, ATL Yankee Belle!

  8. Congratulations on making 100 followers, that's wonderful! And congratulations to the winner of your give-away, what a lovely prize...
    I hope that you have a fantastic week my friend!

  9. Congratulations to the lucky winner; I will visit and express my congrats "in person" - and happy day to you on having your first giveaway and 132 followers; of which I am one of the new ones!

  10. Congratulations Atl, & congrats to you for your first giveaway and lovely blog.



Thank you for taking the time to comment. Know that each one is appreciated and read. Any questions posed in comments in will be responded to via the Reply button below your comment. - Live Life Luxuriously!