Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ruff Week - Dolce PawsPost Fridays

I knew it was going to be a ruff week when I went to have my doggie nap and discovered my blankie and pillow were missing. Not one to miss out on a nap, I decided my toy box would do.

Is Mommy Coming ... maybe we can go for our walk!

Hmmm.. where did that ant go???

Wow ... the cutting garden looks really nice!!

Wait Mommy ... I think there is something here !!!

Nope, I'm not moving ... If I don't see you , you don't see me!!!

Ok... I'll come, but we have to go to the stream.

Look how colourful the Butterfly garden is!
Look it's Mr. Frog...

Look how beautiful Ms. Dragon Fly is!!

This was a tiring walk ... can we go back?

On our way back ... we stopped and picked some flowers for our home.

These went in our guest bathroom

These went on our table out on the terrace

These are for Mommy's desk.

My blankie and pillow are back... fresh from the dryer!!!

Dolce Paws & Licks, see you next Friday...


  1. Good morning dear one! How lovely to see your comment pop up this morning! And then to come and see your sweet little canine friend amble through such a beautiful garden....ah, the joys of summer. What a blessing it is to SEE nature and listen to the calm that it brings us, and to host and nourish all creatures great and small. I hope you are well, and thank you for coming to visit! BISOUS, Anita

  2. Me too i'd like to stroll in the butterfly garden!
    and please...don't tempt me anymore with the chocolate fondue !

    Enjoy the summer, dear...
    Have a great week end too!

  3. Dolce looked too cute sleeping in his toy box! What a fabulous stroll! Love all the flowers and bouquets. Strolls like that are so restorative.

    I hope you have an absolutely fabulous weekend!

    ~ Tracy

  4. What a cute pooch and a beautiful setting! Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh, how sweet! It's a dog's life, right?! Your gardens are just gorgeous, wow! Happy to find your little world, happy to be your newest follower! XO!

  6. Your gardens are looking great!!
    Little Dolce is just too cute for words!

  7. Dolce sure does have a hard life! Love the beautiful garden pictures!

  8. What a beautiful garden my dear, lovely pictures.

    Thank you so much sweetheart for your support on my last post. And I must tell you that I also love love love your comments. Always with a kind word to me, my angel.

    Hope you'll have a fantastic and sweet weekend.

    Much love

  9. Awww this is so sweet...:) love the pictures!!

    Underneath HisWrapping

  10. What a fabulous life Dolce has! He has showcased your gardens beautifully! I often think about life through my dogs eyes too:-)
    Thanks for your visit, and kind words:-) Eden rose is my favorite climber right now... this is the first full year I ahve had it and it is just reaching the top of the arbor. I would love to know what the climbers are in my post photo... I see them around and they are always vigorious in growth and blooms!! So many great roses... so hard to pick:-)
    Have a great weekend!

  11. I love these Friday posts he has such a lovely life ... just like my own babies :) You have a lovely garden to always a pleasure to visit xx

  12. Cute Photos! You crack me up. That is just so cute!!!!!


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