Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, July 9, 2010

Cottage Life Road Trip - Dolce PawsPost Fridays

We are going to see Auntie M and Uncle M. They have a cottage on the French River and Mommy found a cottage (with Auntie's help) that is just minutes from them and also is 4-legged family member friendly. I can hardly wait to get there - and my sister Stella is coming too!!! Oh and Uncle P is joining us. I'm so excited!!!

Come Daddy lets go ... 
When we are there I have to wear a doggie-life vest in case I fall in the river.

We Finally arrived!!!!! 
Stella is enjoying the ride over to the island

Stella i senjoying a swim

I want to swim too!!

What do you mean I can't drive the boat? This is not fair - no swimming,
now no driving... What is a Dolce to do?

My new friend Crombie came each morning to play with us. He is a Bichon-Poodle mix. He belongs to the family that owns the cottages. He was so friendly and playful - I didn't mind sharing my treats with him.

What a view!!!

That's Daddy and Uncle P, they are fishing. Mommy is enjoyng reading.

All of this playing and fresh air makes me tired. Time for a nap.

I got to go for a ride on Auntie M's and Uncle M's boat. It was so much fun having the wind blow through my hair (yes, hair ... I'm a Yorkie we have hair. My sister Stella is a lab - she has fur). I had alot of fun with Auntie M, she made me feel really welcome and she likes to play and always carries doggie treats.

Can I go swimming yet? Nope..
 Auntie M, held me so I could look into the water.

 What an amazing sunset, its our last night here :(
Saying bye to Crombie's human sisters... they were alot of fun to play with.
Bye Crombie, I will miss you.

If you and your family are looking for a great place to get away from the city - tell your Mommy and Daddy that you want to go to Camp Wanikewin Lodge . Crombie's Grandpa Ken and Daddy Steve, are very friendly and helpful. There is even a lodge area with full restaurant, and lounging area - and if Mommy or Daddy - really need to stay connected - they offer free internet. The cabins are very clean and have all that you need while you are there. Lots of people come up from the  US. Maybe I will see you there, Daddy says he will take me back again!!!

Dolce Paws and Licks until next Friday!!!


  1. What a nice escape! I hope it was relaxing!

  2. I love your picture story! The doggies are just precious. Where in the world did you find the little anchor jacket in the first picture? We have two Shih Tsu's and I like to dress them up pretty!
    So glad you had a chance to get away and rest and relax. It's good for the soul.

  3. You paint words with pictures; I so enjoyed the story behind this post, too, and how adorable your dogs are;-)

  4. Oh, I just love Dolce posts! He looks so adorable in his little vest and hat! He also confirms that if I ever went to the other side and decided to have a small dog, I would definitely get a Yorkie! I came close a few years ago and was torn between a Yorkie and a Havanese but the point became moot when I fell in love with one of my rescue foster Labradors.

    It looks like everyone had a fabulous time! The river and view look fabulous! I will pass the information to my parents about the cabins because they sometimes drive up to Canada and vacation. Well, they did before mom became ill.

    Thanks for stopping by! That particular photo of Sean is one of my favorites too! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    ~ Tracy

  5. How cute! Love the doggie outfits and the lake is just beautiful!

  6. How cute is this. You and your "children" puppies. I feel like I was right along with them on this trip.

  7. i love your posts through your
    sweet puppies' eyes. what a
    fun place for all God's creatures.


  8. Adorable! Looks like a great time, enjoy!!!

  9. Aww..those puppies are adorable! It sounds like a fun trip. Enjoy!

  10. Looks like a nice relaxing time was had by all!

  11. Fab post... looks like everyone, especially the four legged variety had a great time. Hope you got some r & R! xx

  12. What a gorgeous place .. looks like you will have a wonderful weekend.. I love all the dogs and the photos of your little baby in the life jacket.. Hope you have a super weekend xx

  13. Well first, let me just tell you it was good to finally get your posting back on my blog. Apparently blogger is fixed and my MIA posts' are reappearing for me:)
    Just wanted to stop by and see what you've been up to.
    I love this adorable little story and what a little cutie pie that sweet puppy is!

  14. What a lovely post. All the dog pictures are gorgeous xx


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