Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

5 Tips for Moving from Surviving to Thriving

I’m often asked about how I managed to go from surviving to thriving after my accident and if I would share my strategy.  Below are some steps that have helped me get to where I am today.

5 Tips for moving from surviving to thriving …

1.       Let yourself mourn
The person you were is no more and it’s ok to grieve the loss of that self, just as you would at the ending of a relationship or loss of a loved one. 

2.       Accept your current reality
We have no control over what happens to us – but we can choose how we let it affect us. Acceptance does not mean that you are OK with it – it just means that you acknowledge things are different and this frees you to start moving forward.

3.        Learn to like yourself
Yes, the person in the mirror may seem like a stranger looking back at you – but it’s you! Stop focusing on who you no longer are - what you can no longer do AND start focusing on all the awesomeness that is you.  

4.       Rediscover who you used to be
Before life sent you on a detour you enjoyed life – discover new ways to bring some of that joy back into your life. 

5.       Start Dreaming
When you begin to dream about how you want your life to be you are creating positive thoughts that go out into the universe and manifest into dream life.
Though everyone’s life detour story is different (perhaps it was a divorce, loss of a loved one, an illness or life altering accident) and is often difficult and unwelcome, a life detour can hold a silver lining- the opportunity to create a new you and life.

I hope the above tips will inspire you to take the next step towards moving from simply surviving to THRIVING!

Would love for you to share your tips on how you moved 
from surviving to thriving after your life detour.

Love and Peace,

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  1. This is great! I could not agree more. You are definitely an inspiration.

  2. While they are all great, #3 is my favorite because so often we really do focus on who or what we are not anymore rather than the greatness of who and what we are now. You will never get anywhere forward by looking backward!!

    1. p.s. love the new line - " a luxurious and balanced life"!!

  3. Celia, You truly are an inspiration! God bless you. :)

  4. Dearest Celia,
    Guess the #1 is a very strong one and is actually the foundation for the road to postive self esteem, happiness and joy. Newfound joy is even stronger!
    Sending you hugs and love,

  5. These are such useful and practical tips and it's true that we can never underestimate the value of dreaming and trying to make the dreams happen. I've just been reading your previous post and spring has finally arrived over here too. Thank you for your visit today. I always appreciate your comments.

  6. pretty nice blog, following :)

  7. The Hardest thing for me to do was Accept my new way of life, surviving on my own which changed my life style and spending habits completely. It has been almost 10 years now and I have made it this far so I know I can support myself the rest of my life and be by myself and enjoy my time with just me and my new stray cat I took in after my sweet little Sissy my pug died.
    I have had medical problems and had to change doing things I use to take for granite that I could do the rest of my life.
    All is well like you said we have no control over what happens to us all of a sudden life changes after all the crying and feeling sorry for myself I had to get on with life , my ordeal was nothing as horrible as your recovery and accident Celia
    My problems were just life changing and aging and loss of a husband and my pets

  8. Moving is one of the hardest things in life. Even if you are moving UP. (Well, maybe not really) For me, it's the beginning of packing, I am never ready to pack. Never. And, I always want to pack my own fine things, and my personal items. I know, I know. Compared to what you've been through we have had it very well. Sending love, darling, Celia. Come enter my great giveaway, an Italian Leather Bag.

  9. You've come SUCH a long way Celia! I can't even imagine everything that you have been through and continue to get past. You're amazing. xox


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