Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, December 20, 2013

Taking a Little Break ...

Me Time by celiam-highheeledlife featuring Chopra Center

With all the festivities and hustle and bustle of the season it is easy to become stressed and exhausted. This is a time of giving and the one person who is often overlooked is SELF! Remember to give yourself a little time to rejuvenate; be it with a luxurious bath, reading, sipping a cup of tea (or other warm beverages or even a glass of bubbly), relaxing with a good book or just curling up under a cozy blanket and doing NOTHING!!! 

How do you take a little "me time" during the chaos of the season?
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Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...

Sharing this post with: What I'm Loving Fridays My Friday's Fancies ~ Friday's Fab ~  


  1. Good morning, Celia. It's good to take time to relax on these very busy days. I enjoy going for walks (weather permitting) and of course cups of tea!

  2. I love bubble baths with all the lights out, the jets on, scented candles, quiet music, and a glass of or cuppa something! With or without Alpha Hubby!

  3. Dearest Celia,
    Oh, a luxurious bath with candles will do very well for me! By the way, today we received your book; will make photos of it tomorrow and I sure hope that more people will order it from you.
    Hugs and lots of admiration,

  4. Great advice as always C.
    I will take "me" time curled up with a book,walking in the forest with Hubs or just enjoying some silence.
    Have a wonderful Christmas Sweets and wishing you nothing but the best for 2014 xx

  5. I love to scoot off and do a little "me" shopping in between the shopping for everyone else. "One for you, two for me," I always say ;) Also, taking baths with Lush bath bombs is a really nice "me" treat.

    aka Bailey

  6. Miss you, sweet Celia.
    Happy Holiday!

  7. Good for you! Hope you're staying dry and warm and most of all safe.
    Love you girl! xo

  8. You are absolutely right about taking a break during this hectic time. A long relaxing bath with scented candles is my favourite way to relax and that's what I''ll be doing in about ten minutes. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog this year. I appreciate your lovely comments!

  9. Hope you're having a happy Christmas and some nice Holidays, with your family, my dearest!!!
    As always you are an inspiration and I'm so glad I met you, you give bloggers friendship a new meaning.
    God Bless You, angel!!!
    Lots of love your way .


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