Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Power of YOUR Thoughts ...

"manifesting" - the bringing of ideas and desires into physical form.

Researchers are finding a connection between the power of our mind (thoughts) and what happens in our life. As, we go about our day - if our thoughts are focused on what we don't want - it should be no surprise, that what we don't want is what we end up with.

WHY is this, you are asking ?... The answer is simple: instead of giving power (energy) to which we do want - our thoughts of what we don't want is what we are giving power to.

The good news is that by changing the way we think (give power to) we can set in motion the path for the things we want to materialize. Shortly after I went home after my accident, I received a package from sister. In this package were both the book and video to The Secret. It took a few years for me to actually give much thought to what I had watched. It actually wasn't until the end of 2012 that I started to really take notice of my thoughts, after stumbling across the long forgotten book (The Secret) and watching the video again. Between my awareness of my thoughts and turning to my Angels, I can tell you things are a changing in many positive and unexpected wonderful ways.

Still skeptical?
watch this video ... there is some science behind this.

To learn more please visit my website .

Would love for you to share if you use your thoughts
 to manifest things into your life?

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Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...


  1. Just as positive thoughts will manifest so will negative thoughts. It's important to be aware of those thoughts and turn it around to a positive vibe.

  2. Ooooh! I love this post. Would strongly recommend reading:
    i) E-Squared by Pam Grouts. Her book gives 9 experiments (each with a short 48 hour deadline) to test the power of the mind. It really is amazing.
    ii) Also, 'Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself' by Dr Joe Dispenza, who had a stroke and literally reprogrammed his mind. He has some great videos on You Tube. Both these books take The Secret to the next level. xx

  3. I surely do! I also use my emotions to give me a heads up as to what may be on my path. After watching The Secret a cazillion times I looked into the power of thought even more and found lots more info.

  4. Celia I love this CD and book. I must pull them out again. There are so many lessons to be learned!

    Velvet Pumpkins Giveaway

  5. Dearest Celia,
    It always works best for being positive and thinking positive; the rest will follow and you get ahead!
    Angels are no doubt part of our happiness.
    Thanks for all your life's lessons shared with others.

  6. I absolutely believe this to be true! Positive thoughts!
    And i'm going to have a peek at the book reco's above.


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