Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Monday, July 1, 2013

Afternoon Tea Make it Part of your Day ...

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

This is the 6th installment of 6 in the series 30 minutes minutes for you with a cup of tea. Thank you for reading along and for all the wonderful comments and emails on how this series is getting you to stop for 30 in your day.

Make Tea Part of Your Day...

image credit 
Tea has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a child living in Europe, I drank tea as it was something that children were permitted to have (over espresso/coffee), it made me feel grown up. My Grandmother made the best tea.  Once I moved to Canada to live with my Parents, I have fond memories of sitting with my Mother and guests sipping tea and eating toast (yes, I did dunk the toast... I know , I know), to me it was the best treat!

As a young adult, tea was replaced with coffee and it wouldn't be until I found myself living in Toronto for work, that I would re-discover the wonderful delights of tea. My girlfriends and I would take Afternoon Tea when we could at The Four Seasons Hotel; The King Edward Hotel ...we couldn't imagine anything better. That is until The Windsor Arms Hotel re-opened and offered Afternoon Tea!

Afternoon Tea at Windsor Arms with friends ~ August 2006
Up until my accident, my adventures into the world of tea were limited to catching up with friends over a relaxing Afternoon Tea mostly at The Windsor Arms. Though I thoroughly enjoyed it, tea was not part of my everyday life. Fast forward 6 years later and I can't imagine my day without tea in the afternoon, and sometimes I even savour a cup a at bedtime.

One of the most therapeutic parts of my day is when I set the kettle to boil; warm a teapot with hot water; add loose (or bagged) tea to the warmed teapot, watching the water cascade from the kettle over the tea as it fills the teapot;  letting the tea steep, and  than pouring this heavenly drink into a china teacup with matching saucer. Once my tea is in the cup it's time to sit down and enjoy.

 It's a time when my mind actually quietens and I'm able to just be in the moment ~ almost meditative like. 

Whether on your own or with friends, I encourage you to MAKE the TIME to create your own Daily Tea Ritual. At home or work ~ all you require is the basics: kettle to boil water, a teapot, a teacup and saucer, tea (loose leaf or bag) and a place to sit an enjoy! It will be the best 30 minutes (minimum time I suggest) of your day.

You can read the others here: OneTwoThree , Fourth, Fifth

Stay in Step with Celia M. & High Heeled Life ...

sharing this post with:   Antiques and Teacups for Tuesday Cuppa Tea ~ Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea time Tuesday ~ Artful Affirmations and Martha's favorites for Teacup Tuesday  Inspiration Tuesday ~  A Return to Loveliness Tuesday  Total Fitness Wednesday


  1. Every day Celia, couldn't do without my afternoon tea but may have to give up the sweets with it. :-(
    I'm sipping a cup now while I visit and like the 2006 photo of you and friends.

  2. I drink Green tea all day and I love every kind of tea as well. Here in Ecuador we have fabulous teas. I am also a very lover of coffee hon...I have 3 cups a day, lol.. Love your photo with friends from 06 too! I love tea parties with my friends like you do. Big hugs,

  3. I do miss a proper cup of tea now I can't drink milk, however I have replaced it with a rainbow variety of green and herbal teas. Nothing beats a nice sit down with a cup of tea x

  4. Yes, tea is so refreshing. We enjoy sitting on our deck with a cup of Earl Grey or lemon zinger, or just plain old orange pekoe.

  5. Tea is wisdom in a cup! YES! Happy Tea Day!

  6. I have always loved tea, and now especially my green tea flavored with bits of apple. I fell more in love with it when my cousin moved back from England and introduced me to English Breakfast. I like Harry and David, and Bigelow. I do love the luscious Laudree you sent me, too.

    Taking tea is now synonymous with relaxing and taking time for me! I love it - thank you.

  7. A great way to relax and enjoy yourself in the afternoon or at bedtime is with a cup of tea! This the perfect way to enjoy friends and family. Love your photos and enjoy your week!


  8. Hi Celia, I enjoy tea but mainly drink it in the morning. I would certainly enjoy it in the afternoon too, but not in the evening unless it's herbal or decaf - I like to be able to sleep well. :)
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  9. you know, i have my morning tea and then get busy and don't stop enough in the afternoon for a moment to myself. i usually try something other than my irish breakfast tea, when I do make a cuppa in the afternoon.

  10. Hi Celia,
    I like the photo of you and your friends. What a lovely way to catch-up, over tea! I enjoy my tea mostly in the afternoon although I can sip on a cup before bedtime too. I find it totally soothing and relaxing. I hope you are enjoying your holiday and Happy Canada Day, my friend! Thanks for coming to tea.


  11. Dearest Celia,
    What a lovely post with this pre-accident photo of a bubbly you with your friends. So elegant and the photo is a dear treasure. Oh, we could not exist without our daily tea-routine. It is calming and soothing and gives you quality time if drinking it with others. A perfect time for bonding for feeding our spirit.
    Thanks for sharing these great tutorials on the tea regiment.
    Hugs to you both,

  12. Wonderful post Celia....and I can't agree more! I so look forward to tea time either with my husband, my cat and a book or with friends. An "Ahhhh....." moment in any day! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  13. I always forget how wonderful a quiet cup of tea can me--your ritual sounds lovely!

    xo Mary Jo

  14. Hi Celia,
    thank you for this charming tea post. Tea is a wonderful drink for each day. At the moment I love Iced Tea, because we have warm weather. Your photos are wonderful and I like espcially the one from 2006. Have a great time,

  15. Hello Celia, Teatime is so special and restorative - allowing us to slow down and to savor the moments - marvelous post - I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,


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