Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Something is Stirring ....


What was that sound ...?

Let me see .....!!

Dolce and Gabbana were startled by the "new" noise they heard in the kitchen. 
But looking out the window ... they saw Nothing .... 

Heeee.... Heeee....Heee
If only they had looked up and around the kitchen. The Christmas (furbaby) Elf is back, watching to see if they are being woofly good or barking naughty little furbabies!

With Thanksgiving celebrations in Canada taking place in October, Christmas preparations have already been underway around our home for a couple of weeks. With decorating and shopping for gifts almost complete, it will be time to start the Christmas baking soon.

Are you almost finished? Have you started? 
What's your favourite Christmas baked treat?


  1. I looooove D & G, they are the cutest Canadian dogs....Haven't started shopping or decorating yet. I'm going to do my nativity set as I used to do when I was little, can't wait to put the lights around it, including the star of Bethlehem...Hopefully hubby has been taking notes about the hints I've been dropping for presents. THe chis will get their stockings as usual, man, we spend more for them than we do for ourselves....something's wrong here...:)
    LOve your pics as always!

  2. Dulce and Gabanna are so cute! The little furbaby elf is a great idea!! I have only put out a few little Christmas items as of yet! And I am always a slow starter on my gift buying. when will I ever learn? I kinda like the idea of Thanksgiving in October, as it does not seem right to start Christmas season until this has passed! This would give me an extra month to prepare, since I am a procrastinator! Have a great Christmas season.

  3. They're the cutest Celia!
    I have 2 gifts done. Maybe. I'm so bad this year.
    And decorating? Not even started.
    I did make toblerone shortbread last year and that was delish!

  4. Dearest Celia,
    What a fun, action post with Dolce and Gabbana. Great idea about the furbaby elf!
    Right now our home is not in the Christmas mood; dust all over the place. Our bathroom might get finished tomorrow. Next is the guest bedroom and the office. My bet is that around Christmas time the house is back to order. Just living with it for now.
    Hugs to you,

    PS My back is 100% again!

  5. Can't wait to put up our tree this weekend!! I also LOVE baking. Hope you share some Christmas recipes soon!

  6. Wow! You are so organized. I've just started thinking about my menu's, but don't even ask me about Christmas shopping; not a roll of wrapping or Christmas card bought yet :-(

  7. I just love D & G! I NEED one! This is not a would like or want it is a NEED!!

    I have not gotten any decorations out yet. I asked the kids about doiing the tree tomorrow.
    I have done quite a bit of shopping already. Need a few things to tidy up the end of the shopping!

    My favourite Christmas treat is Peanut Butter Balls.
    I am hoping to do some baking with the help of others.

    I love that your "kids" get an Elf on the Shelf!

  8. Love it! D&G are so adorable!!
    I've almost completed my Christmas shopping. I hope to have it done within the next week or so, then I can enjoy the season. I hope your's is off to a wonderful start!
    xoxo, B

  9. Celia,
    I just want to give those precious furbabies a squeeze! What healing comfort they must bring to your heart each day. I know that my little furbabies do that too. My goodness, you are almost done with your shopping???? (Is a girl ever done shopping?) lol. Ashley is our resident baker around here! She loves to bake during the holiday season...for Christmas, usually shortbread, some kind of fruited cookies, classic sugar cookies with homemade frosting. With all of my health issues, I am on a very restricted diet--so I won't be able to enjoy those things this year...perhaps a bite here and there.

  10. Hi Celia,
    Your puppies are adorable! I bet they are loving the holiday decor. Mine love to get under the Christmas tree and pull the bows off the gifts. Your Christmas Elf is so cute. My favorite treat are gingerbread cookies! have a wonderful day!


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