Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Monday, September 17, 2012

Spinach and Cheese Omelette Recipe ~ The Other Side of Thin

I have been re-learning many things about meal time that use to be second nature.This dish is one that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or a quick dinner. It's both tasty and nutritious.

4 - organic eggs (ours are courtesy of a neighbor on our road - 
whose chickens run free around their property)
1/2 Cup grated smoked Gouda cheese
1 Cup of fresh organic spinach
2 garlic cloves chopped
few sprigs fresh organic oregano, parsley, basil 
pinch of Himalayan sea salt
couple pinch of Tumeric
3-3 turns of the pepper mill 
1 Tbsp. olive oil 

beat eggs ...

add sea salt, pepper, turmeric 

finely chop garlic cloves, fresh parsley, oregano, basil and grate cheese

add to egg mixture

in skillet add olive oil, garlic, spinach

saute over medium-low heat until spinach wilts  

add egg mixture to skillet. Let egg cook set then turn over ... and fold in half

Plate it.

Looks good! ...But this is not all for you
This is 2 servings, yes portion is key to keep this healthy. 
It is amazing how we can created such a distorted view of what an actual portion is = we eat healthy but are not seeing any health benefits ~ as we are eating double , sometimes quadruple the amount of an actual portion. Do this with an item that you have 2 servings of a day and you are actually defeating healthy eating.

Add a bowl bowl of fresh strawberries and 1 slice whole grain bread sliced in half, for a nutritious meal. Don't worry the white strawberry topping ...

is fat free Greek yogurt!!

Taking the extra couple of minutes to plate and sit to actually enjoy your meal is key. It takes 15 minutes to 30 minutes for your brain to register that you are taking care of the hunger. So if you woof your meal down ~ your brain still thinks you're hungry = you'll eat what is easy to grab on the go.

If you DON'T butter your toast....

enjoy a little dollip of jam. Choose your topping wisely, I love butter but I really love and enjoy rose jam more. Having both would defeat the healthy eating lifestyle I'm striving for.

Of course a cup of tea .. I take mine in its natural state. This particular morning it was Casablanca tea from Mariage Frères

Sharing this post with:
On the Menu Monday *  Mouth Watering Monday  * Melt in your mouth Monday *  Tempted My Tummy Tuesday  *  Tasty Tuesday * What’s Cooking Wednesday *  Full Plate Thursday  * Feasting in Fellowship Friday 


  1. eggs are the perfect food, only
    made more perfect with gouda
    and spinach! thank you for the
    delicious recipe.

  2. Dearest Celia,

    Love this recipe, however I would substitute the real eggs for Egg beaters (0% cholesterol and the smoked Gouda cheese for soy cheese, also for its high cholesterol.
    So clever for adding Turmeric as that is a natural digestive aid!
    Looks like a breakfast, lunch or quick dinner I would love to share with you both! Very yummy. Funny that you too eat the 0% fat Greek yogurt!
    Hugs to you,

  3. Sounds like a perfect omelet to me!! I love smoked Gouda, too, which makes it even better. I have an omelet everyday for breakfast.

  4. It all looks so yummy, I finished dinner not too long ago, but now I'm hungry again. Great pics too. :)

  5. This is so healthy and very inspiring! I would love if you link this to the French party on Monday? Also I have a new party Friday called "what inspires me" I would love if you join and tell your friends. Have a super week my dear.

  6. I'm a huge fan of omelettes so I'm always looking for tasty and healthy variations - thanks for the great recipe and of course for following my blog too! A lovely surprise seeing you there on my list!

  7. That all looks so amazing. I keep saying I want to try a spinach omelette and keep forgetting to buy the spinach!! Maybe next week!

  8. Beautiful breakfast! Lots of great healthy and tasty ingredients. Your photos are fabulous! Thanks for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY!!!

  9. Celia, this looks so divinely delicious! I am off to make one for myself, you have made me so hungry!
    Have a fantastic week my friend,

  10. I'm salivating reading this post and seeing your delectable images.
    TYSM for your lovely words of wisdom over at mine Celia. It meant so much to me as I know how much you have personally gone through......and how far you have come xx

  11. O.K. That's it. I've got to go eat something. I had a really stressful day in court and haven't eaten a thing. I keep stumbling upon recipes on the blogs I visit and now I am starving. This looks so good!! xo

  12. Such a simple meal, laid out so beautifully! I'd have to substitute so many things to be able to eat it, but the shock is that you are right, it looked like a normal sized omelet yet once I see it on your table, I realize half is plenty. Wow - portion distortion!

  13. I just love this post! Everything looks delicious and I adore eggs :) I like the way you are eating REAL food and talking about portion control. So true.. make each bite count and don't get carried away with the stuff that's not so good for us!

    Have a great start to a new week!


  14. Oh this looks simply delish and I am sure that half would be more than enough! Too often we eat with our eyes, thinking that we can only feel satisfied if our plates are full. Just like what you said above, if you slow down and eat, not woof, you would be surprised what portions will actually leave you feeling full!

  15. That omelette looks delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

  16. Yum this looks delish...and healthy!

  17. Looks absolutely divine. I am so going to make it for my boys who love eggs and their veges. :)

  18. Sound delish! I am all about omelette's, especially for lunch or dinner but my italian husband {as I'm sure you can relate!} not so much. Men!

  19. Sounds wonderful! Something different for me.
    Thank you for sharing.

  20. Hi Celia,
    What a lovely presentation for your delicious Spinach and Cheese Omelette. We would really enjoy this wonderful breakfast. Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
    A New Follower

  21. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you are having a great week and enjoy your new Red Plate!
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  22. Hi Celia, as soon as I saw Miz Helen featuring your delicious Spinach and Cheese Omelette, I just had to click over to check it out...and I'm so glad I did. Love the step-by-step photos, your quotes, and the pretty table setting. You are absolutely right about taking time to prepare, and enjoy our meals, even a simple one such as an omelette can be dressed up to the 'limit' with pretty settings, and colorful fresh fruit, and not forgetting the toast and butter, and/or jam!
    Happily following your blog...please stop by to visit, and follow as well:)


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