Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ask Yourself ...

The week-end is here!!! 
We are at the end of the first week of September and closer to the beginning of a new season. Perfect time to reflect on how we are taking care of ourselves. 

When it comes to having time to do things which will help us to grow and become the person we are meant to be, it is amazing how there never seems to be enough time in the day. 

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Unless you take care of yourself, you may be of little to no help when those you love and care about most, really need you! ~ this applies to everyday life, not just airline emergency protocol.

What are you doing to help take better care of YOU!


  1. A good question Celia. I still exercise every day, not enough until the gardening season is over though. And, I'm still trying to lose weight with healthy eating - what a slow road this is for me.
    I found an old post on the sidebar about organizing your panty drawer - now that was interesting!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Dearest Celia,

    Love that post and especially the last sentence: this applies to everyday life, not just airline emergency protocol!
    You are doing great and certainly you're on the rise as a true writer.
    Hugs to both of you and wishing you a Happy Weekend.

  3. I have been sleeping a lot and exercising. Little step at a time.

  4. Dear Celia,
    I am rehabbing after surgery( yes 3 in 9 months!), strengthening my body and soul, reading a lot, taking better care of my skin!

    Art by Karena

  5. I stop and pray. I wait until the storm in my mind and heart are over and then I continue.

    WHAT A BRILLIANT message and quote by Einstein, my hero!

    Dearest one, it is so nice to see you are back in Blogland! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? I know you have got to be doing well because no matter what, WE ALL HAVE SPIRITS that thrive and that will be the subject of my next post, next week. Oh how I love to write!

    BE WELL and eat well, sleep enough, pray and LOVE! Anita

  6. Hi Celia!

    What a nice post. I agree that this is the perfect time for a little editing! Great post by Albert Einstein :) Enjoy your weekend!


  7. wise words dear friend. wise words. the subject for my upcoming post...after a long season of exhaustion.

  8. Celia,
    Hi! Your words are so true. Giving us all a reminder to take better care of ourselves. Good post.
    Have a good week.

  9. Dearest Celia,

    After going to the Atlanta Pops Orchestra at our Theatre, I'm back to your blog. What a great job you've done on the new design. All those cute puzzle pieces about: Purpose, Giving Back, Lifestyle, Self, Fashion Style, Spiritual, Relationship, Fitness... Hey, you should make this into a contest of who can list the total number of puzzle pieces!!!
    Compliments on all the hard work girl and of course Mr. G. who is such a great team player. Even the furry assistants for sure have helped you.
    Lots of hugs and all the best.

  10. Celia,
    How I have missed you and your beautiful inspiring posts!!! Life has been a roller coaster lately, but hopefully leveling never knows though :) Merci for all of your twitter LOVE!!! I hope you are doing well, and that the Fall has brought beautiful weather your way.I forced myself to join a gym...and am so happy about it, that was my gift to myself this week ~

  11. Love that graphic.......yes, keep doing what you're, keep doing what you're doing. Just great.

  12. I make sure God is the first focus of my morning and day. Spending time in the Bible and a good devotional seems to make my day work better and more peacefully. I get more done, too! I am also eating right, exercising, and loving on Alpha Hubby more and more!! This was an excellent reminder to always take time for ourselves. If we don't do it, who will?


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