Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Birthday Gift to Me ...

As 2011 comes to the final pages in its chapter, chapter 2012 waits patiently in the wings to be written. Our thoughts turn to the opportunity of beginning  a fresh with the new approaching chapter. Many will sit back and speak of how they want to find themselves and have new life ...

Not realizing a new Self & Life , is not something you can just order up...

You have to not only want it you have to

I was gifted a very similar journal with the same message on the cover, earlier this year. It's been sitting in my night stand drawer for months, untouched. Today, I've decided that on Monday (December 19th) I'm going to give myself a very special Birthday gift of dedicating 2012 to the year I create the New Me, I have been waiting to discover. To do this I must find the strength to leave behind the past Me that I have been holding unto (while trying to build a new me and life), as it continues to no longer be working in the 
present Life I have.

Sometimes when we have been forced off our Heels
we must embrace the change and go barefoot...

We must see ourselves as we want to be not as we are...

and sometimes Our Shoes

Must Change ...

and though we may not want to try on the new ones...
Until we do, we will never know the power they may hold...

Slowly they will start to raise you..

Until You are back on your toes...

Even if your Heels now look like this...

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas (and if you are  also celebrating a December birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

and don't forget to enter the Give Away for the ROYAL ALBERT teacup

click Image to Enter...

Special Thank you to Marriette at Marriette's Back to Basics for creating the above button! 
merci, mon ami.xo


  1. Dearest Celia,

    What a touching post and how I admire you even more for giving yourself this incredible Birthday gift.
    You come through as a beautiful Monarch butterfly, after the painful shedding of it's cocoon.
    Not only HAVE you shed your cocoon, but you did encourage other, smaller butterflies, to follow you. For not being afraid and for believing in the new 'ME'.
    Thank you a thousand time over for leading all of us. Congrats to you for the soon to be new 'ME' that is emerging from you.
    A tight hug and lots of love during the final days of this incredible transition! Also to Mr. G.


  2. your words in this post are incredible and with those awesome powerful...finding a new us...creating who we want to shaky step at a time. You're a huge inspiration. Hope you know that.

  3. What a beautifully written and inspiring post!!!! Happy birthday to a new you!!!!

  4. Celia, my own experience with having to "find/create the new Me" is much less traumatic and dramatic than yours, but I do understand some of the heartache and confusion that is part of the journey. You've come a long way ... and I'm praying that 2012 will be the year you can fully embrace your Reality -- and that in doing so you will be able to appreciate the Past ... and move bravely into the Future, looking each day for the many precious treasures yet to be discovered. Happy Birthday, Friend!

  5. Happy Birthday to you my sweet inspiring friend! I wish for you a year of discovering and creating the YOU that you are meant to be. I love your attitude and spunk! Go for it.

    Enjoy these precious holidays too.

    Big Christmas hugs,

  6. It's your birthday on Monday!! Happy early Birthday friend.
    Know that although I love those sparkly heels...I love the Chanel flats more. You would be fabulous either way.

  7. Enjoyed your post. Your insight is great.

  8. I am a firm believer a lot of our life is what we make it. Take care and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  9. Happy, happy birthday and Merry Christmas, Celia! I've got a Jan birthday but I think we're both Capricorns. So practical. We know when its time for a change and, hooray! Change is exciting!! It'll be fun to share your adventure.... xo Anne

  10. You couldn't have given yourself a better gift than the gift of yourself! Trying on new shoes to find the pair best suits you is like creating a new hairstyle for yourself. FUN! Self exploration brings with it wonderful revelations and a few "I didn't know that about myself" moments.

    Happy Birthday, Celia. May your day be filled with everything you love.


  11. I love, love love the picture of the lady in the wheelchair.

    Happy birthday.

  12. Bonjour ma belle!!!!

    You have learned much and have taught US much. You are walking again, dancing again in your mind and spirit, and that is JUST WONDERFUL!!!!!! May you have peace and love and joy fill you ALWAYS MY SWEET and thank you so much for visiting me!!!!! Anita

  13. Happy Birthday darling Celia. I think the best gift you can give yourself is to focus on YOU. I wish you nothing but happiness and continued rehabilitation (both physically and emotionally) for 2012. You have come so far already and taught me so many lessons along the . I continue to look forward to sharing your journey with you xx

  14. Wonderful post! Happy Birthday! :)

  15. Happy Happy Birthday Dear Celia! I hope you had a delightful day filled with love and joy! ~ this post is a very inspiring one, I can't wait to see what the new year will bring ~ Change is good...

  16. I'm sooooo happy to hear you say that Celia! Life constantly changes and we must change with it. To go through such a traumatic experience as you did would probably break most people. But you have fought ... and won my dear. You are one of my biggest inspirations ... I speak of you often ... and miss you a lot.
    And in case my day gets away from me tomorrow ... Happy Birthday love!


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