Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Merci ~ Atteatude and Chocolate ~ Giveaway Announcement

When I started blogging just over a year ago, I wasn't sure how long this "project" would last; what I would write about; who would read what I wrote - if anyone; but, with the encouragement of my speech therapist and the psychologist at the time, I agreed it was worth a try. After all, I really needed to work on re-developing my writing and communications skills.

So, I started writing ... I still recall the feeling I felt when I realized I had my first follower; when I hit 10 I thought wow! But what really touched me were the heart felt, supportive and encouraging comments people were leaving. All I can say is MERCI... without you, I may have given up yet another "project" to try and get me communicating back with the world and getting a life.

Much has happened along the way ...  a few more people clicked their heels on over and before I knew it, I was learning about new things, like Lilly dresses, who knew that a simple dress would make my life so much easier. I also discovered that I could write and post at anytime, so on days when I'm feeling drained I can write at night or when I feel energetic. Discovering the pre-scheduled feature was like eating ice-cream on a very hot day. I started to visit other people and reading what they were writing ~ I found many inspirational posts. What I also discover was that I was building genuine friendships in this virtual world. I have even been fortunate to have met a couple of you in the non-virtual world and you inspire me even more ..  Sandy ; Barry  ; Suburban Princess.

You are probably thinking ... ok... but what is
Atteatude and Chocolate and what's the Giveaway?

Well because of you wonderful readers, and your supportive and encouraging words and sharing of your own journies and success... I am happy to say that I have begun to embrace country living and the simple life that comes with it =  starting to embrace the slowly emerging "Me Version 2.0".

I have discovered a cup tea while visiting and reading your blogs,  is actually very calming and almost theraputic for me; I find on days when I would have just curled up under the covers, I'm accepting my lap top from Mr. G - to check in on you or if you haven't posted for awhile I'm hoping to see a post from you, meaning everything  is ok on your end. With all your wonderful posts on chocolate (pre-accident my friends referred to me as the chocolate aficionado ~ after not so much interest in it) I started exploring and discovered sipping chocolate is like heaven in a cup, igniting my taste buds. I have also learned that - attitude, really does matter to moving forward .... put it all together and you get....

My new blog where I will write about my deepened love and appreciation of tea and new found passion of sipping chocolate, my dreams for the future, the small things that really matter and the comfort I feel when I take a moment to enjoy life and truly live in the moment.

And to celebrate it's launch I'm hosting a great Mystery Give-Aways (I can tell you its going to include many of my favourite things and there will be multiple winners)... all you have to do is click on over become a follower of ATTEATUDE and  Chocolate and leave a comment there, saying you are now following, before the official launch, which will happen within the next few weeks ENTER GIVEAWAY at ATTEATUDE and Chocolate ~ click here

Don't worry I will still continue posting here and to share my journey  ~ challenges and triumphs to creating Me Version 2.0 and hopefully continue to inspire others to keep going forward one step at a time.

Check out my Blog Hop tab for wonderful linking parties I'm joining...


  1. Greetings from Southampton, England,I found you through the Relax and Surf Blog hop! I've loved reading your about blogging journey! You've accomplished so much!

    All the best, Cat from Pretty.Home.Life

  2. I am following your new blog!! :)

  3. I am following your new blog. I would have followed it without the giveaway! Come on you and chocolate! So worth reading!

  4. I found your new blog firs through the Lady bloggers Society and now I'm here =) Look forward to reading more of the post here! But for now just saying hi =) And I'll be one of your newest followers =)

  5. Dearest Celia,

    You are so dear to me... What an inspiration and as an aspiring writer you really will score high! You possess such extraordinary skill for expressing yourself. Even considering your disability; you stand head and shoulders above the average person!

    A big all around hug and lots of love,


  6. I'm really glad you found such joy through blogging. It really is a therapeutic thing to do. Your blog is so wonderful and inspirational. I'm heading right over to your new one!

    Much love, Danielle

  7. For being an inspiration and for not being afraid of being honest. ;)

  8. I found you through the Blog it Forward Hop and am already hooked! It's one of the few times I have read someone's blog and seen my own thoughts captured.

    I'll be checking out your new blog too.

    Yankee Texan Mom

  9. I'm Totally Tuesday hopping! Follow me too?

  10. Sounds like a fabulous idea for a blog!

  11. Sounds like a great idea, I hope you enjoy it! Right now I just started following this one though, so I'll have to check out your new one!

  12. You had just the words I needed today! I really appreciate your "Optimist" support. The reminder that they chose this life with me does sometimes need to be repeated. Thank you so much. Stacie


Thank you for taking the time to comment. Know that each one is appreciated and read. Any questions posed in comments in will be responded to via the Reply button below your comment. - Live Life Luxuriously!