Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, May 1, 2011

When Good Friends Happen ...

As we get older mature it seems maintaining and making new friendships takes a back seat to life. In other words we are so "busy" working on "our lives" that we stop actually enjoying life and living it. This becomes even more the "norm" when we are going through life changing events, such as divorce, death of a loved one, illness, job loss etc.

Life is filled with many peaks and valleys and how the people you call friends react or don't react when we are going through the valley, desperately trying to climb back up, can say a lot about the "friendship". Before my own inconvenient detour along the road of life, my life was filled with - long time friends, new friends, business friends, social friends, aquaintence friends, and neighbour friends. Looking back at the early days post accident and as life continued the dynamics of these "friendships" changed just as quickly as my life ~ in a blink of an eye - people I had thought I could count one, disappeared or became closer to me; those whom I would not have expected to help pull/push me back up were doing exactlly that... while others did not disappoint in their "where's the quickest exit oughta here?" attitude.

In the early days, I literally cried myself to sleep at the loss of friends I "thought" would always be there for me, as I would for them. I questioned why others remained and yet others stepped up unexpectedly.

As, the days turned to weeks, weeks to months, months to now 4 1/2 years later ... the cream does rise to the top! I can't begin to tell you how blessed I feel as I think about those who now surround me and I call "friends". Yes, I still have some (how blessed and grateful I am for them) very long time friends, they are more of extended like family; many are "new" friends - some of which whom have only been in my life a short time (less than 3 years) I hold as close to my heart and with the trust and comfort of some long time friends.

"Currently" I have no businsess friends, unless you count rehab and therapy people; no social friends ... since home is my playground; no real aquaintence friends unless you count the ladies at the bank; since moving to the countryside making neighbour friends is not easy (especially when I don't attend their gatherings [though I do make sure Mr. G goes] or do much entertaining myself. But do not feel sorry for me that I currently do not have these kind of friends in my life. I have discovered a wonderful kind of friend, whom pre-accident I would have never known or had.

These friends may live an hour away or in different parts of the world; I may never meet or know what they look like, or know the sound of their voice; they may be only words on my computer screen ~ BUT, over time we have cried, laughed, inspired and pull/pushed each other to keep going and not give-up - to build new dreams and embrace the moment- in who we are or will become.

Even though it may be with clicked words on a keyboard that appear on each other's computer screens or through actual written words that arrive in my mail box (often these letters/cards arrive just when I really need to feel thought of that I'm not forgotten or need a lift in my day). I hope that my words- whether on their computer screen or in their mail box make a difference in their day.  Virtual Friends, Blog Friends, what words you choose to describe them are TRUE FRIENDS in every meaning of the word and I thank God for blessing me with each and everyone of them  YOU, you know who you are... (see its not about what you don't have its about appreciating what - in this case Whom, you have in your life).

How have the friends you made via your IN-box or Mail box made a difference?

This is part two of The Role People Pay in Our Lives. Click here for part one.


  1. I did a post on friendship this week too! If anyone had asked me two months ago a) If i would ever start a blog and b) If I thought I would make true friends through blogging, I would have wholeheartedly said "NO!" to both. I had no idea what the blog world had to offer and now that I've been doing it for just a month and a half I am shocked by all the incredible people that I have "met"!

  2. Dearest Celia,

    Well, this is almost like Doctors Without Borders... It opens doors and hearts to like-minded people. Kindred spirits that lift each other up and affirm that we are NOT alone in a certain way we're dealing with.
    It is a true blessing and I especially cherish the fact that I did study several foreign languages so the world is available. That makes me feel rich!
    I too have learned in life that there are friends and such who want to be popular in the eye of others. They have a fear for being true to themselves and others. Well, losing them is no loss. There always will come new ones for which you don't need to cry your eyes out after a disappointment. Be happy and embrace this world. It widens the horizon and opens your heart more than ever, without a big risk of losing or getting wounded again!
    A big hug to you on this first day of May!

    Lots of love,


  3. In the early years of my marriage and the death of my mother I found my "true" friends. It was as I am sure you found a shockingly small amount of those that I had thought were my real friends.
    I agree as well that internet friends can be the best support in the world! I have several that I consider close friends even though I have never met them.
    I would also like you to know that you have won the Stylish Blogger award and I would like you to come on by and accept or decline.

  4. A wonderful post Celia which I did read with a lump in my throat. I remember my Mum always said, "friendship is like a bus journey; some friends will get on the bus with you and stay right until the end.Some will get off at the first stop, and others will get off a little further along in the journey, but will not wait until the end", and it's so true.
    Count me in on your cyber-bus journey. I'm with you all the way sweetheart!

  5. Lovely post , dearling and I feel as if we are Real friends because after all, we did meet in Real Life too. Besos, from a cold fall day in Buenos Aires, C

  6. Sandy and I are proud to call you and Mr. G friends Celia. What an inspiration and a blessing you are.

    Had such a great time visiting yesterday!


  7. I hope you know that I will always be on that bus with you.
    Thanks again for such a wonderful day yesterday ... you continue to inspire me. *hugs*

  8. these friendships are real and they are
    wonderful. i'm so happy you have so
    many and pray that they only grow
    richer and stronger, even as you do.

  9. Another great post, you really are talented with words. My experience with friends has been the same, there are so few on the bus, but at least I know they won't get off any time soon.

  10. One thing is for sure, your accident did not affect your writing skills. You have a great way with words. You write in sch a way I feel I am there with you. I will never know you other than through the blog, but count you as a friend. You can tell when someone is writing from the heart.

  11. I have been blogging since January and have already connected with a couple of people. I find it really hard t oput into words this connection but it is amazing and I am grateful for this!!

    Lovely post :-)

  12. Friendships are so important and they dont come easily. They are so precious and Ive realized it is important to put the time in to maintaining them and treasuring them.Fiona

  13. Hi I'm visiting from Mingle Monday! Great post, it's amazing what a comment from a fellow blogger can do to lift your mood and just make you feel connected to another person. The blog world has been great and I love how we can feel like friends and like we know each other through our blogs.

  14. Fabulous post...amazing where you will find a friend!


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