Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How we know spring is here...

Our Angel garden starts waking up..

From its long winter's nap...

shades of green with hints of color..

Our spring residents arrive
ready to settle in...

garden projects start popping out...

Apple bloosms are in full bloom...

The gardening boots are ready at the back door...
Dolce, knows when these come out .. his daily garden walks
are not far behind....

Stella enjoys sitting outside watching Mother Nature
as she wakes up our gardens...

SPRING is finally arrived in  here the country.

When I lived in the city my first signs of Spring having arrived ...
were the people sitting outside enjoying the sun on a restaurant or cafe patio.

what are the first signs of Spring for you?

Joining  linking parties ...




  1. Dolce and Stella ire too dang cute for words!
    The few things I planted last year are coming up after the rain and a few warm days we have had and it is so exciting!
    Your plants and flowers are beautiful.
    What is spring for me... hmmm... the birds hopping around, the smell in the air and tulips. Also- people just seem happier.
    Have a pretty day!

  2. Beautiful - Love the gazebo and the rest of your fun! We had some sun today here as well! Lets hope we keep!

  3. The maple tree in front of our terrace has exploded with leaves in the last week or so. Yay!

  4. Dearest Celia,

    Spring for me is when the magnolia tree blooms and all the daffodils...
    Love your garden spot with the interlacing of bleeding hearts and forget-me-nots! Forget-me-nots most times die here; too hot. But I LOVE them. Dolce with the rose boots; how precious!!! And Stella just being HAPPY, without demanding much... Life is good.

    Lots of love,


  5. Celia your garden is stunning. Dolce and Stella are adorable and you make us feel so included in it all. Thank you.
    I have tagged you today at Facing 50 with humour. Don't feel obliged to join in but I felt you were definitely worth a mention!
    Hugs and fond wishes

  6. What a lovely garden you have. And of course, your doggies are the cutest babies ever.

    When I see California Poppies blooming with their bright orange (that reminds me of Veuve Cliquot champagne) I know that spring has sprung!

    What's Dolce have in his mouth?

  7. WOW... awesome pictures!!!
    I also hope spring is finally here, we're having sun shine since Monday.... I just hope it lasts...

    Hope all is great with you, angel with such beautiful suroundings :-)

    Much love and joy to your day.


  8. Beautiful! For m e, I always know Spring is coming when all the dogwoods start blooming!

  9. What a lovely garden!!! Spring here for me is the blooming of trees and the first spring flowers. Spring is also a lot of sun and again being able to feel the warmth of it! Spring is also the chance to say hi to the neighbours again who have been hiding all winter! Hope you're having a fabulous week , too!! Thanks also for your so sweet comment on my post!

    Kristin xxxx

  10. I live in South Florida so my signs of spring are different than most - it's the rise in temperature that's the only true difference!

    Love your photos and glad spring/summer are heading back to your area ---

    Best Wishes (and new follower)

    Linda (aka Beachside Cottage)

  11. Aw that puppy is so cute! you can definitely know its Spring by flowers and the smell!!! mmmm and the Spring wind!

    Enter my $100 Shopbop gift card giveaway!

    Miss Neira

  12. This year we know that it is spring because we are flooded with cicadas.

  13. I especially like your bleeding heart flowers.
    Spring for me begins when the forsythia are in their totally yellow glory.

  14. Sure looks like spring where you are. It's nearly winter here (New Zealand). Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  15. AWESOME photos of flowers.. love them!

    care to check MY ENTRY?

  16. Oh sweet friend, these images of my favorite season just give me joy....those puppies and your precious little bundle just warm me! THANK YOU FOR VISITING MY POST TODAY! Enjoy your tour of Paris my sweet friend, Anita

  17. Such a lovely garden. Flowers always make you feel so good - they are everywhere in Paris now! Thanks for coming to visit our Frenchy abode on Anita's Paris Party.
    Hope all is going well with you my friend. Once again I am apologising for getting so behind in blog visits. I will head off to read some of your latest posts I have missed - your postive words are always perfect.
    Bon week-end,


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