Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, May 6, 2011

Don't Miss the Party...

Daphne and Julie , writers and editors of Flip Flops and Pearls; and  Brown Eyed Belle, respectively ~ are hosting a fabulous party for Kori.

Who is Kori and why a party? - So glad you asked...

Kori is writer and editor of Blonde Episodes, AND is now a published AUTHOR!! Yes, this wonderfully talented gal is launching her FIRST (of many to come, I'm certain) Novel!!!!... Kindle edition is now available through Amazon..

Hmm... now what what shoes shall I slip my freshly pedicured toes into???
These sensible Christian Louboutin's
 or maybe I'll through caution to the wind and choose these fabulous heels ....

or maybe...

 Well I'm off to look for a dress ... maybe I can find some inspiration over at Kori's

Linky Blog Hop

Hope to see you at the novel launch party
for invite details visit Daphne or Julie...

you are a fabulous inspiration!!!

What shoes would you choose???
For additional great linking parties check under Blog Hop tab ..(under header)


  1. Oh how fun! I am going to go download her book to my Kindle this afternoon! (Once its charged. It's dead right now!) Hope you have a great Friday!!

  2. Oh wow! Thank you so much for the supportive post honey! You girls are all truly amazing! I am so flattered and don't even know what to do with myself! Kori xoxo

  3. Oooh, how exciting! Those shoes you're slipping your toes into look so FABULOUS!!! I'd go for no 2 :) Have a lovely weekend, my friend, and it's always a treat for me when you stop by!!!


  4. Im your new follower now! Hope you follow me back too!

    Mimi @ DeyiMizu Beauty Blog

  5. the louboutins, of course! (but not in
    real life just pretend.) congratulations
    to your fabulous novelista!

  6. The third pair are gorgeous! So happy for Kori's book release :)

  7. That first pair of heels is too cute-- reminds me of a tutu! And congrats, Kori! I can't wait to read her book this summer!

  8. Congrats Kori! You would Not see me in any of those heels, I hate heels.

    Stopping by from Saturday Stalk. I now follow.

    Callista's Ramblings

  9. Hi darling! I haven't visited you for a while but I thought I would stop by to say hi! The book looks great. I may have to check it out. Take care.

  10. new follower from java's blog hop.
    love your blog title. would love a follow back and visit, laura


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