Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dreaming Of Spring ~ around the world






Wishing everyone a warm and fun week-end!

P.S.  BlogLand PenPal matches will be emailed to participants Monday morning January 31st.

If you have not yet emailed your mailing address for BlogLand Pen Pal, and wish to participate this month , there is still time. 

click here for more info


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Picture is worth ....

.....A thousand words
joining (semi) Wordless days -  see Blog Hops tab above to join in...

Blogging has helped me in so many ways... a place to vent out my thoughts, frustartions; a place where just the good parts of the  day are lived ~ without having to be shadowed by dark days; BUT most of all blogging has made it possible to meet and make new friends, while I remain in the safety of my home. Know that I treasure each and every one of you .. your posts, comments and prayers mean the world ..more than you will ever know. Each time I read your blogs .. I learn a little more about life and am able to take a little bit and add it to my creating of a new me/life.

Through the wonderful blogs I visit... I've discovered their is life/fashion after business suits;ball gowns and high end fashion dressing. I'm slowy (ok at a snails pace) learning Smart Casual ..I'm also learning I don't have to give up quality or familiar names to get it.
I even discovered Lily .. my summer dressing became much easier...

You continue to inspire me to dream of better days ahead...

Through your laughs and tears ... I find that I am able to feel emotion, something that in my own life lacks at times.

But the the thing I'm most grateful for ... is that no matter what part of the world you are in ~ your thoughts, words, and prayers ... encourage me to keep the faith, stay strong and believe! For no matter what His name may be (depending on where you live in the world) He has me in the safety of hand. Thank you for helping my spiritual side to stay true and when it gets very hard ...I know I just have to turn to you my friends (sisters and brothers through Him) to kick me (gently) back from falling off and giving up!

This strength also has stirred me to be a more compassionate person and to take the time to send words of prayers for others in need.

Your comments, emails and cards of encouragement and support are appreciated more than words can say ... You believe in me that I can get through this. (even when I can't seem to find my way).. and though at times I may fall and take some time to get up; your words.....

Get me through many dark days. So yes you may be strangers, we may never meet in person,


Monday, January 24, 2011

The Umbrella ~ for living

Coming to the realization that I am existing instead of living, has sent me on a big emotional roller coaster (have I mentioned I never did like roller coasters as a child or an adult). Having spoken with some trusted friends, we agreed that there is no one specific part of life that will catapult me from existing to living. Nor will I be able to open this Pandora's box on my own. The search for a new Shereko has just moved to RED ALERT on the list of to dos!

In the meantime I have come up with an umbrella which represents different components of what a balanced life may consist of. My next step will be to go through each component and see if there are missing elements that could be hindering me from living. Then I will have a better foundation in creating a plan. I will be sharing and discussing each component as I go through it on my plan.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and comment on the Are You Living or Existing? post, know that your words do make a difference not only to me but also other readers. I hope you will continue reading and following this series of  Getting My Life Back !!HHL posts and that you find these posts helpful directly or for someone you know.

Wishing you all a wonderfully blessed week!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Memories of Peru ~Lima

Sharing some memories of our trip to Peru, during Christmas ...

Peru is a country filled with tradition...

Yogurt my start to each day, it was rich and creamy and brought back memories of my mornings in Paris. Even on vacation a gal needs her pedi; and open market vendors are everywhere ~ handmade goods = quality.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Seriously ....How Cute ?

Dolce, is our 4 legged, hairy baby and I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am that he is part of our life. This little 7 lb Yorkie bundle brings us so much joy and happiness. This past week, to say I have been under the weather - would be an understatement. But this little guy stayed close by with limitless licks, cuddles, and total unconditional love. Even when I was not able to take him outside for his walks ... he adapted and waited for Daddy to let him out. Then it was back curled up with Mommy.

While our Dolce has the run of the house and is always with Mommy (a Mommy's boy he is) our Stella gives us so much unconditional love and is equally sensitive to how we are feeling. When I have been recoverying from past surgeries - she would be so quiet and watched carefully as I would make my way back and forth to the bathroom. She loves being indoors even though she is a 45 lb Yellow Lab ~ and you will find her hanging out in her house ~ even when we leave the crate door open.

Stella is 7 years old and has been with Mr. G since she was a pup. She is Daddy's girl through and through (he can play with her rough I have to be careful with my arm, balance etc.) But, she keeps me company in the mornings after her morning outing ...sitting at my feet at the breakfast table, thats our time together.

For those of us who do not have children (especially not by our choice) these little and big bundles manage to capture our hearts and take away some of the emptiness. Filling our day with a reason for being ~ often it is thoughts of them and how much they need that helps me get through the dark days that creep in for me, out of nowhere.

Love to hear how your little Furbaby has changed/added to your life?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Long Over Due -

 to 3 Fabulous Blog Friends, for thinking of me and sharing the following awards!!

The Versatile Blogger award

was passed to me from my wonderful inspiring friend at



If you have not discovered this blog , you do not know what you are missing. The wit and humour in F50WH posts are wonderful and the beautiful writing directs the creation of images as you read along. But most important anyone can relate - the writing is real!

The Stylish Blogger award

was passed to me by two fabulously stylish friends

Whose blog inspires me with all things French - B's writing about her dreams of Paris bring to life that fabulous city, for readers. The images are specially delightful candy for our eyes that will inspire the imagination of Parisian life to take you away.


I am always intrigued when I visit "Masked" wonderfully written and often thought provoking posts. A blog not to be missed. And one that I need to visit more often.
With accepting these award, there are 3 rules
1) Thank and link back to the person whom awarded you
2) Share 7 things about yourself
3) Award 10 great bloggers that you've recently discovered

7 things about me...

1) I'm mom to 2 adorable furbabies ~

 Dolce ~ He is 1 1/2 year old Yorkie

Stella ~ She is 7 year old Yellow Lab

2) Orchids and White Lilies are my favorite flowers ~

3) Gardening is something I refuse to give up and will use up my energy on. This summer I hope to plant a rose garden as a tribute to my Father, who grew the most beautiful roses~

 4) I believe in Angels  ~

5) I very much believe in God, but I would describe myself as spiritual vs religious~

6) I have a wonderful partner in life. Despite my limitations, at times uncontrollable out bursts of frustration and stubbornness determination,he stands by me and believes in me (often more than I believe in myself)he gives me his love unconditionally~

7) I miss pre-accident me, but am working on accepting post-accident me. I look forward to the day that I will recognize the reflection looking back at me~

Now, it is with pleasure I pass these awards onto these wonderful bloggers that I have recently discovered:

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sometimes You have to travel...

... to realize you already are where you are suppose to be.

As many of you know from reading earlier posts, I recently went away to South America to escape the cold and to fill the feeling of "must visit Argentina" that has been nagging at me since the first year post-accident. I had no idea why I felt this gravitational pull to South America or what I would discover. And despite Mr.G’s concern about the flight time, off we went to the unknown.

Our first stop was Peru – not part of the original plan, but when dear friends informed us that they would be there visiting family for the month of December and would love for us to join them, we could not resist. Our time in Peru was short, as the gravitational pull was Argentina, but our time with them and their Peruvian relatives will be one that we will treasure for the rest of our lives. (more on Peru in future posts).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

If You Could Make A Difference ...

Would You?

Now that all the festivities of the holidays are behind us and most of us are settling in for winter, imagine how wonderful it would be to receive a letter in the mail that is not a bill. Well, if you are a BlogLand Pen Pal , you could certainly be making a difference in some one's life, your letter could be what brings a smile and warm feeling to some one's day. Much like a simple smile and hello from a stranger can turn some one's otherwise lonely, sad day around.

BlogLand Pen Pal, was started on this blog in November 2010 to help keep the Art of Letter Writing Alive, but I feel it does much more. In this wonderful world of technology where we can often be made to feel like a number or just another "duplicated/generic/computer generated" email recipient ~ a letter is actually written by some one's hand; to a specific individual; the writer made the time to write you. How special and wonderful would that make you feel? Now imagine how wonderful it would make you feel to know that you could make a difference in some one's life ... and all that it would cost is a few minutes of your time and the cost of a stamp.

Starting this month I would like to welcome you to participate in BlogLand Pen Pal, all you need to do is email your mailing address and blog URL (if you do not have a blog - you are still welcome to participate, just please include a couple things about yourself  in the email- so that we can match you with someone with similar interests) to please include BlogLand Pen Pal in subject line.
 At the end of the month all participants will be matched and emailed their Pen Pal for that month. You can participate each month and by the end of 2011 potentially have 12 new friends who you can exchange a hand written letter or note or post card with.

For more details on BlogLand Pen Pal click the here...

Monday, January 10, 2011

For All Horse Lovers ....

I recently discovered a wonderful Blogger, Joanna at Dance and Dream 4Ever she stopped in for a visit from Life of Meg's ~ Mingle Mondays. When I popped over to visit her I discovered the blog of a most wonderful and compassionate person. Joanna's hosting a fundraiser to help The Apache Junction Horse Rescue. Pop on over to read the story behind her efforts and to discover a new blog.

There Is No Place Like Home!!!

Dearest Blog Friends;

Thank you for your visits and comments to the few posts I was able to do while away.Special thank you to all of you who emailed me encouraging and supportive words, while I was away, I'm making my way through emails and hope to also catch up with all your wonderful blogs and posts!!

Like Dorthy said " There is no place like home" and though our trip was filled with wonderful experiences it really is GREAT to be home! We really are blessed to call North America home.

I would also like to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend at Searching the Inner Me who is celebrating her birthday! If you have not heard of her blog, you must pop on over for a visit ~ her wonderfully written posts will inspire you with life and fashion!!! And while there take a moment to wish her a wonderful BIRTHDAY!!!!

Hugs and Kisses,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mommy and Daddy- when are you coming home?

I have been having lots of fun at camp with all my four-legged friends,
but I woofly miss you and Stella too!!

Remember me?