Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Monday, December 20, 2010

Letting Go ...Easier said than done

Some regular readers have noticed (and enquired ~ thank you for your kind and supportive words), my writing has been a bit scattered these past few weeks and my visits to your wonderful corners of Blogland not as frequent. Mostly it’s been my lack of energy that has contributed to both, along with the one thing in life I am not able to accept or seem to be able to shake ~ having lost parts of me.

Yes, I‘m grateful to be alive ~ but there is an emptiness inside of me that I can’t identify, since the accident. I have for the most part been able to smile my way through and keep the Yellow Anxiety monster from sight. But, I have to admit that it has not been easy physically, mentally nor emotionally lately. This year in particular I find I am questioning many things, which once I either did not give much thought to or just accepted as being.

This in part has been a motivating factor for our upcoming travels to South America during the Christmas and New Year celebrations. I’m hoping this trip will somehow breathe life back into me, so that I can find the answers/direction I need to be going in or at least the strength to keep my glass half full at all times, until life directs my next turn.

I don’t think I will be blogging during my time away ~ but I will be trying to write and hope to come back with a refreshed outlook and better focus.

I’m still around most of the week and will try to make my rounds and visit before I leave. Please know if I have not visited as frequently I have not lost interest in your writing, life just has been happening on my end and leaving little energy and time for me.


  1. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

  2. I hope you get rejuvinated on your trip and come back refreshed and hopeful for the future.

    Stay safe and have a great time!

  3. I am wishing you a wonderful trip and a blessed Christmas with a happy and healthy new year! The holidays can really kick up some stuff! Take care of yourself - this too shall pass.

  4. I wish you a wonderful trip. That emptiness is the beginning of all the self enquiry. I was there and hence the beginning of my blog began.
    Until that void has its fill of questions and answers no matter what we do it will be there.
    I can offer my support and wish you Love and Light.
    Namaste dear friend

  5. I wish you only the best on your trip. I am sure you will come back with a refreshed outlook on life. However, not having been thorough what you have, I cannot understand it all. Have a safe and enjoyable time. May you truly be blessed during the holidays. Think positive that 2011 will be kinder to you.

  6. Have a lovely trip and fill your cup with good things, to more than half full.

  7. Wishing you a wonderful trip. Maybe you won't find all your answers on your trip,but answers usually present themselves at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected places.Your "answers" will find you.

  8. I hope your trip helps and that you are feeling better soon. It has been such a difficult journey for you so you are entitled to not always having to put on a brave face day after day. Sometimes you just need to feel what you feel before you can fight again. Thinking of you, Sweetie. Hope you have a peaceful holiday. xo

  9. I know how you feel hon and hope the trip renews your spirit. Happy holidays from me.

  10. You will be in my thoughts during your time away. I hope you are able to find some peace and calm during this time, as well as the renewal you are seeking. May 2011 be a great year for you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my friend. :)

  11. Almost 11 years since a brainstem stroke changed my life forever. So many losses, and the emptiness where my love of life had been was overwhelming at times (very familiar with the "melt-down"). I think post-stroke years 4-8 were amongst the most difficult. But I seem to have come to an acceptance of what is, now, and most days I have peace with the new me. Now I am able to feel the gratitude at still living that I tried to feel, & mostly did not, during those first 8 years. A reduction in physical pain, improved clarity of thought, and new interests in keeping with my altered abilities have helped, along with time's passing,nutritional supplements, & exercise. My suggestion: just keep on keeping on (with occasional, forgivable backsliding, lets face it). My wonderful husband's kindness & support,& keeping "The Serenity Prayer" in mind have been so helpful in my emotional healing, too.

    You have made huge strides, one day at a time. The "new you" seems quite wonderful,to me. May you find a way to loving acceptance of the new you,yourself.I send you loving thoughts of peace, courage, & healing. Have "just the trip you seek" to South America & may you find a blessing in each day in some way.

  12. I am so sorry my friend.

    I wish we lived closer b/c I could so see us having lunches & laughing. Spending time together in prayer. Having family dinners with wine.

    Please know that your thought of & prayed for.

    You are such a light in this dark world. You are blessed & are a blessings to all to know you.

    Let me know, while your away, will someone be getting your mail or is it being held? I want to send something but don't want it to get into the wrong hands.

    Love You Friend!!!!!!

  13. Hello Celia,

    I've never been further south than Costa Rica, but I would like to visit Peru, Ecuador and Uruguay. I think this is a good time to travel to that part of the world, I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip (take pictures please).

    Sending you hopes and prayers that God provide you the answers/direction you seek, and that He strengthen you with endurance to continue along your journey.

    Blessings and peace.


  14. Hello Celia,

    I will miss you while you are away. You are such a blessing and your story has been an inspiration to me. I fully understand taking time to seek something which you feel is missing from your life. I will keep you in my prayers. I pray you have a safe and insightful trip and you find what you are seeking.


  15. I have just poured over your entire blog and caught up on your last years of rebirth and growth. How incredible and amazing you are, to put one foot in front of the other and move - however slowly - back into life. In you, I honor the spiritual. In you, I see the beautiful. In you, I respect the pain. In you, I feel the strength. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this journey. You will only continue to conquer. . .you have already come so very far.

    Wishing you the best,

  16. Sweetie, sweetie,
    I know it is hard. I go through times like that...I take it slow and don't expect too much and i go do something fun just for me. Hope you have a fun vacation. We all need a vacation. You have been working very hard.
    Love ya,
    Thinking about you. You can always email me when you need to talk. I am here for you.

  17. I understand that scattered and empty feeling you describe. I am sorry you know it. I hope your trip is restorative and refreshing. Take good care of yourself.

  18. I hope you have a wonderful trip to South America and find what you're looking for. Take care of yourself. I'm sure you've noticed I haven't been blogging much either lately so my apologies to you, too. There are just so many other things to do and worry about these days, and blogging usually has to wait. That's normal!

  19. Happy holidays! I’m now following your neat blog from Wandering Wednesday. My Facebook page “Inspire” has inspiring messages. Stop by!

  20. I hope you have a wonderful holiday traveling. May you return home refresh and re-energized!

    Happy Holidays!

  21. Have a great trip, I hope it refreshes you!
    I'm your newest follower from the Mid Week Mingle...come follow me back! :)

  22. Have a good trip and I hope it renews your body mind and soul.
    Found you through the midweek mingle bloghop.

    Anna, The Pilot's Wife

  23. Stopping by from Ms Bake-It to wish you a very happy Christmas. Safe travels to South America.
    Cheers, jj

  24. Oh precious one....

    I am so happy that you came by today, and doubly enchanted that I will have the opportunity to send you your give away prize upon your return. Those empty holes of which you speak...oh are they ever so human....but in your time away, dearest one, I hope that you will meet up with the divine source and only answer: LOVE. You are a lovely soul, and I know that you love....but it comes from somewhere, and that is from ABOVE and most ironically, from within. For we all have a hole in us, that can only be filled when we become more aware of the possibilities of love. I know you will get through this tough time, and to you great lady, I raise my cup to honor such a courage soul. Blessings to you on your journey, as we are all on the same path.......Anita

  25. My prayer for you is a fabulous vacation and Holiday season. This Season is about new life...I have faith you will feel it!

  26. Hello! Thanks for linking up at Traveling Through Thursday! I am now following your lovely blog! Have a very merry christmas! ~Heather


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