Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day in Peru

We arrived in Lima Peru on Christmas Day morning! Even at 7 am the weather was already letting us know we were no longer in Canada. The local people and tourists were starting their day with a sport familliar to many pof our American friends, especially those who surf California!! Yes ... surfers getting in their morning dip was a wonderful way to be greeted, as our driver made our way along the coast line to our hotel.

Once settled in to our our hotel, and after collapsing in our bed for the next few hours, from pure exhaustion!! Mr. G and I set off to explore Lima’s Miraflores District, which we will call home for the next few days.

On our stroll through we quickly realized the commercialization of this time of year, had been left behind like the snow. Here a tree or the many Santa related decorations we have come to associate with this time of year, were not present here. Instead the real meaning of celebrating Christmas was everywhere....

Once joined by our friends, who have been here since early December visiting their family, we were ready to tackle the market of artisians.

Thankfully my bestie was born here and was a great at making sure we got the best value, without insulting these fabulous artists!! Yes, I couldn't resist the tempting feel of hand woven scarves ... 

Ah see, there really is a tree where gifts grow on!!!

Our surfer friends and beach goers, could be seen late into the day..

Another facisinating past time is hand-gliding through the air. Seriously something that I would have "jumped " at doing 4 years ago. Now I will be remain an on ground spectator.

After an afternoon of taking in the sights of our district.. our friends had orgainized dinner at a restaurant right in the ocean!!!

The meal started off with the traditional Pisco drink!!

Follow by some of the best food ~ seafood I have tasted!!

Our Christmas day 2010 came to an end with this fabulous sunset!!!

Hope you enjoyed our Peruvian Christmas Day... today while many of you will be battling the Boxing Day crowds.. we will be spending it with our friends and their family in the rural area where they live.


  1. Oh WOW! All of that sounds sooo amazing. Glad you're having a lovely holiday with friends and family!

    Lots of love,

  2. Looks like you are having a great time!

    All those scarves! Were they amazingly beautiful?!

  3. This was fun to spend a few moments here in Peru with you. I love shopping in outdoor craft markets, and all the nativity scenes are beautiful.

  4. What a different way to spend Christmas! Great pictures, thanks for sharing!

  5. What beautiful photos & the food looks delicious! Hope you enjoy your time with your friends - Cheers!

  6. Enjoy! Gord spent a couple weeks in Peru just before I met him nine years ago and he still talks about it ... he loved it!

  7. Gorgeous pictures! What a fabulous way to spend Christmas! I hope you're having a wonderful time!

  8. Thank you for sharing your holiday pictures! All of them are beautiful. My all time favorite is of course the sun down..
    Warm Wishes

  9. wow -- i am LOVING these photos. especially the nativity scenes. thank you for posting!

  10. Makes me miss my family! I'm originally from Chile and these pictures remind me a little of home. What a nice holiday:)

  11. Thank you for sharing your photos and the lovely traditions of Puru.
    I'm glad that you are enjoying your holiday with family and friends.
    Wishing you a new year filled with peace, love and happiness!
    xoxo, B


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