Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Monday, August 30, 2010

Helping Others a Temporary Escape ~Part of Picking Up the Pieces Mondays

Helping provides a distraction. Focusing on others takes us away, at least temporarily, from the hassles of work, finances, or family troubles. Helping can also block pain because our attention is shifted from personal pain to helping others. Such was the case when I started to get to know the Man (from yesterday's [Sunday] post).

Many were concerned that I would become emotionally and physically drained. I on the other hand was happy to be able to do something other than just lay in bed or the couch between Medical appointments focusing on the life I no longer had; and if it was helping someone for me to listen – then I would listen. As we continued to speak on the phone and in person a friendship started to develop. We could relate to each other in ways that others could not – He had lost a part of himself; me it felt like I had lost so many parts of me, I wondered if anything could be salvaged. We were both at cross roads leading to a dead end.

As time passed and I grew a little stronger to start going out of my house, another reality started to set in – cars, groups of people, loud noises were now a real setback for me. This Man had a family country home and suggested that I consider joining him on his next trip. After little thought I agreed, so off we went. The next few weeks became a time of running away from both of our lives and the emotional and physical pain that we suffered in our own ways.

The time in the country, being surrounded by nature, with no reminders of the life I had lost, it must have been a form of therapy. In this setting I felt for the first time in almost a year a sense of peace within myself. What had started as a few days in the country turned into a road trip ~ You can imagine the concern my care team had. Looking back now I can see where they were coming from as this was interrupting my rehab sessions – But I also think that had I not taken the trip I may have very well entered a place where no one would have been able to reach me. Wanting to save this Man’s life took priority over ending mine.

What I want to share with others;

Sometimes prayers for healing are answered but not in a way that you had anticipated. Looking back now I see that my prayers of being able to see myself again - I was sent to cross paths with this Man – to see what he couldn’t see that he had a life to live (a mirror of what I thought I had not). In my wanting to help a fellow person – I saved not only him but myself as well.

No matter how awful your situation, know that you are still able to help someone who is in a much darker place then you. As the saying goes “when you think you have bad – all you need to do is look to your right or left and you will find someone in greater need”.

For family, care-givers and friends of someone going through a life changing event, provided your loved one is not putting themselves or others at risk or danger of any kind – left them stretch their wings. Belief and Faith are wonderful healers, if we only give them a chance.

So, you may be wondering what happen to this Man. Visit next Monday ~ As Picking up the pieces , changes to “Reaching a Dead End” series.


  1. You have no idea how much this post meant to me this morning. Thank you!!!!

  2. The suspense! You're making us wait an entire week to hear the next part?!

  3. Angels do come in many forms! Cannot wait to read about your friend next Monday!!
    Enjoy your day,

  4. Once again a wonderful post I particularly love the green photo, there is a place like this where I walk.. when I walk its been so long.... there is something so healing about this colour and this type of place on the soul xx

  5. What a wonderful and thought provoking post. You are a very powerful woman in many ways...curious to hear how the story goes on with "the man".
    Have a wonderful week,

  6. I always enjoy reading your personal experiences, even though it depresses me as well. Sometimes people cross out paths for a purpose. This man certainly did in your case. Will look forward to next week's chapter.

  7. as always, i am so humbled by your
    testimony. you became an angel
    for a heartbroken man, whose life
    you probably saved, and then he,
    in turn, helped save yours.

    you could write a book about this.


  8. Another beautiful and heartwarming post. How I admire your strength and courage! I look forward to your next post.
    xoxo, B

  9. "No matter how awful your situation, know that you are still able to help someone who is in a much darker place then you." How true! Thanks for sharing this with us... so inspiring...

    Much love,

  10. You are so to others in the midst of your own pain is one of the most powerful things you can do. It feels so GOOD to give!

    Thank you for always stopping by and leaving me such warm, loving comments. I can't tell you how much they mean : ) I always look forward to hearing from you!

    Goodnight, dear friend. Lots of love!

  11. Thanks for sharing what must be such an emotional experience for you to recall!

  12. There are definitely angels amoung us, and you became this man's.
    thank you so much for coming by and leaving such special words for me to read. I have been touched by your blog and am grateful that you would stop by so that I could find your place.

  13. This post gave me tears... thank you for being so open and I look forward to reading the continuateion.
    All the best,

  14. Dear HHL, as always you commenting on my blog along with your posts' just brings me back to the reality that I am so glad to have met you. You are a true inspiration and once again I find myself sending you a huge hug and a thank you for being who you are today! Prior to "falling off your high heels" you may not have given me the time of day since our worlds were so far apart. I am thankful for your friendship!

  15. I'm so, so glad you were able to help each other! It's so true, God's answer to our prayers could come in a different way than we had hoped or anticipated. But His timing and his ways are always perfect. Can't wait to hear the rest.

  16. Wonderful post! I look forward to "Reaching a Dead End".



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