Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Get Fit ~ No Diet or Exercise

Getting back into shape is not about dieting and exercising !

It's really about LifeStyle - for any fitness program to work it must be able to easily be incorporated into your daily life. An overall fitness program address physical, mental, emotional and nutritional fitness. Here is what I am planning to incorporate into my life to achieve my overall fitness goals:

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Gym - increase my Cardio and build up my strength - 2-3 times per week

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Restorative Yoga ~  bring my body back into balance - 1-2 times per week

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Meditation ~ still my mind - at home  upon waking up and before going to sleep -daily. Instructor led meditation - 1 per week (still looking for a local class to attend).

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Nutritionist ~ establish proper eating habits - intial consult and follow ups as required

What are your suggestions for staying fit and healthy?


  1. Walking. As much as you possibly can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car as far away as possible, walk a few blocks instead of taking the bus; it helps a lot!

  2. Hi, stopping by from SITS. I saw that you're Canadian too and thought I would stop by. Great advice!! I'm on a weight loss journey myself and that advice sounded very straight forward and easy to follow!

  3. Swimming is also very good for rehabilitation but I think building some muscular strength to be the probably the most important muscle burns more calories xxx
    I am with you all the way on this, I have to drop 3 lbs and get back into the I am off the booze

  4. Without exercise and diet??? I don't think so....

  5. Walking, walking and more walking. I am not a gym kinda person ... I just love to walk everywhere.

    Great blog by the way. Will be back for more.

    Have a great Sunday!

  6. Since tennis and running are few and far between these days, I bought a pair of MBT's (((GASP))) they are fugley but I can feel the burn throughout the day..hopefully somethings happening, lol!

    Thanks for stopping by, I'm your newest follower!

  7. hi there, thanks so much for visiting and your lovely comments. I guess my tips recently have been to cut out all things like wheat, pasta and white processed foods along with chocolate, cakes, pastries, biscuits etc and try and eat wholefoods. This combined with walking or cycling at least 5 times per week . . . . takes a while but I am getting there.

    Good luck :)


  8. My suggestion is spanx...but that's prolly not much help lol!

  9. Hiking in the give you both exercise and the balance of nature.

  10. I'm not too good when it comes to exercising regularly. I do yoga twice a week but that's about it. I find it really hard to motivate myself because I don't have a weight problem. I know that's no excuse and I should do some cardio... You'll just need to nag me and make me feel really guilty. Good luck to you!

  11. health habits? lots of sleep, water, exercise, and

    i stop eating when i'm feeling full bit do eat
    what i'm hungry for. i've found that if i'm
    craving meat, i probably need some protein.
    if i'm craving chocolate, nothing will satisfy
    that like CHOCOLATE!

    oh, and the best health habit of all . . .to be
    married to the best man around!

    your plan sounds excellent. good luck.

  12. Hi there!! Stopping by to say hello. =)

    I like to play tennis as part of my workout routine. You're so right that it's not only about working thephysical but the mental aspect as well. I like to do some yoga or take long walks.

  13. I'm trying to learn to meditate and am finding it more difficult than anything I've ever tried before. Stay strong honey

  14. I have been swimming every day and even though I have found it difficult and tiring I am truly feeling the benefits now.....xv

  15. This is going to sound kind of silly, but being happy is often a big role in staying healthy and fit :) When I am down about things I get lazy and eat bad foods....staying positive usually leads to a healthier lifestyle hehe cute blog :) xo


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