Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, July 10, 2010


WOW!!! I am so honoured to have been the receipient of these lovely awards:

"Life is Good" award came to me from Trish at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover (PPLL). Trish is an amazing person, fantastic writer whose words truly come to life as you read them. Through her blog I'm learning all about Lilly Pulitzer fashions, I was not aware of this designer until I travelled through BlogLand (yes, I have been living under a rock.. LOL) but will definitely be adding some LP pieces to my new wardrobe. If you have not discovered PPLL's corner of BlogLand pop on over for a visit.  Thanks for the award my friend!

I'm passing this "Life is Good" award to:

"Super Comments" award came to me from Barry at Life In Quotations . (LIQ) .Barry is a fascinating person whose writting really makes you stop and think about life, and what really matters. My friend I admire your wonderful humour, your straight forwardness and how you touch so many peoples lives - to encourage them to be the best they can be. If you have yet to discovered LIQ's corner of BlogLand, make your way over there - you will be challenged to really think about all that makes life.Thank you for such a lovely award!
Here are the rules:

•Thank the person who nominated you.
•Post the award in your blog.
•Link to the person who gave it to you.
•Answer 10 questions that come with the award.
•Nominate of few of your favorite bloggers.

1. Why do you blog?

I started blogging as part of a Speech Therapy project to help me rebuild my writing skills. Shreko also felt it would be a good opportunity to deal with buried emotions by writing about my accident and how it has and continues to affect my life, as a way bring closure to that part of my life - "me".I wasn’t really sure what I would write, what I had to say or if anyone would be interested. So I started to write to for me.

I continue to write because of all the wonderful Blog Friends I have made and continue to meet. Your comments to my posts both support and encourage me to continue writing. Along the way I have learned that by telling my story it helps others who are going through life changing experiences and that by reading other blogs I discover and re-discover things that will help to create my so called “new” life.

2. What are your 3 best memories? 

- Growing up in Europe with my grandparents

- Winning a public speaking contest in grammar school

- Seeing that there is a heaven – when I was in my coma

3. If you had to change your real name what would you change it to?

Sofia Reis – it was grandmother’s name. She was one of the most loving, warm, smart and strong women I have had the privilege to have in my life.

4. What are five things you can't live without?

- Having a Purpose

- Books

- Cherries – my favorite fruit

- Love

- Good Friends

5. What are the 4 best books you've ever read?

Wow… there have been some many great books over the years to narrow it just to 4..

- Little Women– Louisa May Alcott

- Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

- What would Audrey Do – Pamela Keogh

- The Wisdom of Forgiveness – The Dalai Lama and Victor Chan
6. Tell me something unique and interesting about yourself.
I tend to keep my pain to myself – I do not like to burden others
7. What do you love best about yourself?
I always try to look for the positive in any situation or person
8. What is the best movie ever made?
There are so many great movies under so many headings – I’ll go with a classic I enjoy “It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)”
9. If you had a "Freaky Friday" experience who would you trade places with and why?
Coco Chanel, to understand what made her the woman she became and to experience life in her time.
10. What's the best part about being a Woman?
We can wear skirts!
I truly appreciate the comments that each and every one of you leave me.  Sometimes it is reading your wonderful comments that encourages me to keep going - brings a smile to my face on dull days - and gives my writing purpose. I'm passing this "Super Comments "award to:


  1. Congratulations on your awards, my dear!!!!

    I loved your answers, we always find something new about our friends bloggers with these questions.

    And thank you so much my angel to include me in this great list of bloggers that you've passed the award. You're very kind and lovely with me.
    I'll pass it asap.

    Hope you'll have a fantastic weekend, much love

  2. YAY YOU!
    Congrats on your awards!
    Thanks for passing one on to me :O)

    I love PPLL too!

    You aren't too shabby yourself missy ;o)

  3. Congratulations on your well-deserved awards!! Just loved learning more about you!
    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  4. Congratulations and so well deserved I loved reading your answers ... and thank you so much for passing it on xx

  5. you certainly deserve both of these
    wonderful awards, and i am very
    happy for you.

    your blog has been such a source
    of inspiration to me, as i can only
    imagine the trials you have passed
    through and triumphed over.

    thank you for passing along a very
    sweet award to me. you make
    commenting very easy. :)

  6. CONGRATS on your well deserved awardage!!! :)

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend.


  7. Congrats on both your award hun ... you deserve them and many, many more.
    Thank you so much for passing the award on to me.
    You are always so inspiring and so courageous and I don't really know that I would have had the strength to battle back like you have. Most likely. The human spirit is phenomenal.
    I'm back to posting ... feeling much better.
    Have an awesome day!

  8. Thank you so much for your kind words, as always. You're a source of encouragement and inspiration for me every day.


  9. Congratulations on your awards. you so deserve them!!

    thanks so much for stopping by blog and leaving me those loving words. you blessed my heart.

    Underneath His Wrapping

  10. Congrats on your awards! Loved reading your answers:) I love the same books as you and also love "It's a Wonderful Life." I think it's wonderful that you are telling your experiences in your story and know that you are inspiring others with it. Thank you for passing the award on to moi!

  11. Thanks for the award! I love reading these tid bits about people!

    I love the movie It's a Wonderful Life too. I just saw it last year for the first time. Great movie!

  12. Congratulations!!! So well deserved. I love learning more about you and it is so wonderful that your blog has been a kind of therapy for you. Really, fantastic. You are an inspiration. Keep on blogging, gorgeous! And thank you for the award!xxoo

  13. WOW. Thank you, I am so honored!

    I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts and getting to "know" you a little more each day.

    You are a blessing!

    Love, Laura

  14. Thank you so much for including me with such a great group of bloggers! "Life is Good" is a mantra I try not to ever forget...

    It has been great being blogger friends!

  15. Hello dear
    I can't thank you enough for passing this award to me, it's such a honor!
    I so enjoyed reading your answers, you know what, I can relate to many of those myself.
    P.S. we can wear skirts yeah!!! I always, and mean always,wear skirts
    xxx a big hug to you


Thank you for taking the time to comment. Know that each one is appreciated and read. Any questions posed in comments in will be responded to via the Reply button below your comment. - Live Life Luxuriously!