Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Anticipation ... Getting it back

“The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting” ― Andy Warhol

In today's world we are no longer having to wait for anything, with the click or swipe of a button we can speak to anyone, anywhere in the world. No more waiting for that beautiful and thoughtfully handwritten letter to arrive in the mail box with news from family member or friend living far away.

It's not just the way we are able to instantly interact with each other that has changed significantly. We are now eating fresh strawberries in the middle of winter, when temps are -20 degrees C and the ground is covered in snow. And well if you want Christmas cake in the middle of summer - you just bake it. 

We are even managing to control our exposure to the seasons (and not just for health reasons). Hate winter, well if you plan carefully (and are able to do it) you can live in summer year round. After all traveling has become much more affordable - and it's always summer time somewhere in the world. And again with technology many are able to work anywhere - so why not work from a seaside table in the tropics, when the rest of your friends and colleagues are digging out of the latest snowstorm back home.

Anticipation and all the wonderful emotions that accompany it are slowly losing ground to INSTANT GRATIFICATION. Children no longer wait for Christmas, birthdays or other special occasions to receive that special gift they WANT ... they are learning if they ask for it, they get it NOW.  And as adults we are "treating" ourselves more and more than our parents would ever have treated themselves.

All of this instant gratification is making us less appreciative of things and people in general. 

Here are somethings that I'm doing to put anticipation and all that it creates back in my life:

1. limiting my email, texting interaction with family and close friends (leaving things to write and share in point 2.  and 3 below)
2. writing more personal letters/cards to family and friends 
3.  actually call and speak with family and friends at least 2 times a month
4. make and maintain a list of things I would like, and come up with a saving plan to purchase the items - instead of just going out to purchase them. (this also helps control impulse shopping)
5. read more books .... the anticipation of  how a novel will end is priceless
6. only give special gifts for special occasions ... instead of because it's so cute or it will look great on them - now.
7. plan and host a meal at our home more than a week ahead of time
8. plan outings with Mr. G., family and friends for a couple months out

The above points not only help to create excitement in looking forward to something, by looking ahead you are planning and taking steps in creating the life you imagine for yourself.

How are you keeping Anticipation alive in your life?
or do you find you are living the Instant Gratification way?

Keep in step with High Heeled Life ...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Forgiveness ... and a Cup of Tea

If we were sitting and sharing a cup of tea today I would let you know that the winners of my revised blog launch were participants: 1, 6. 17 - as selected by (see end of post for winner names). and I would show you my Marie Antoinette teacup from Versailles.

I would also share one of my steps in creating myself .... Forgiveness. I needed to forgive the guy who was driving the car that struck me down and changed my life as I knew it. I didn't have to tell him, but I had to in my heart forgive him ~ not for him but for myself. Forgiving released me from the internal anger, hurt ~ that I didn't even realize I was carry around. 

At some point in your life someone will do something or something will happen, that will leave you shattered. The last thing you will be thinking of is "forgiving" the person(s) [you feel are] responsible for your PAIN!

Forgiveness doesn't mean what happen was OK, and it doesn't mean you have to welcome the person(s) [back] into your life. It just means you have made peace with the pain, and are able to let it go.
Sometimes things happen to us when we are young. This hurt hides itself in the deepest darkest corners of our minds. We may not always recall it ... but it remains there, keeping us from fully living. Until we choose to longer remain victim to what happen to us ... we can we move forward and THRIVE!

Forgiveness frees us from the past.

As you sit and sip your cup of tea with me today ...
Take a moment ... think of someone who has hurt you and forgive the hurt they have caused you. Do this not for them ... [they don't need to know that you have forgiven their actions]... Do it for you!

Today I'm sharing with you my Marie Antoinette teacup which I purchased at Versailles on my 2010 trip to Paris with Mr. G.

Thank you to everyone who participated and your sweet comments and support of the revised High Heeled Life ... are you living yours? blog.


Ladies please email me at  your mailing address and I will get your goodies out to you right away.

If you forgive those who sin against you, Your Heavenly Father will forgive you ~ Matthew 6:14

How have you found peace and forgiven someone who has hurt you in past?

Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...

Sharing this post with ...Antiques and Teacups for Tuesday Cuppa Tea ~ Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea time Tuesday ~ Artful Affirmations and Martha's favorites for Teacup Tuesday  Table Top Tuesday ~  A Return to Loveliness Tuesday ~  between naps on the front porch Thursday , Twig Studios for Sunday Show Off ~ Under the Table Dreaming for Sunday Showcase Party ~ Spiritual Sundays ~  Mosaic Monday  Menopausal New MoM-giveaway Thursday

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Lesson in Change from Mother Nature ~ over a cup of tea

Welcome to tea my friends, I'm so happy you popped by. The weather today went up to 17 degrees! Could it be that spring has finally arrived?

Since the weather has been most unpredictable ... As I set off for my afternoon walk, I packed a little bag with some tea and goodies. After all one needs to remember to enjoy the moments.

Despite the warm temperature it is still a little crisp ... 
and the hot tea was a wonderful welcome after my walk. So I set out some goodies on the gazebo table.

I'll pour you a cup too! These great Lenox mugs ( from my dear friend Nan) are perfect size for  an early spring tea in the garden.

As I sat in the gazebo ... with a view of the garden area, it occurred to me how quickly things change. 
April 9-10th 2013, after a couple of warm temperature days, 
Mr. G. decided to set the outside furniture in place.

This is what we woke up to on April 11th, 2013 ...
How quickly things can change.

Our lives can be much like the weather. Clear, bright, warm and sunny 
and than without much warning become grey, dark, and gloomy.

The drab looking gardens will be beaming with beautiful flowers in a couple of weeks. And only days earlier the ground was covered with traces of snow ~

and then just as quickly change and make way for wonderful new growth. Just like the first signs of re-birth and growth in the garden. Under the debris of a harsh cold winter ... new growth is pushing itself through. Here shata daisies, tulips, and the first sprouts of the peonies are making their way.

If you are going through a bit of bad weather ... know that it will pass and new wonderful adventures are just around the corner. 
CHANGE is certain ...

Remember to stop by the High Heeled Life ...are you living yours? Afternoon tea party to win some great giveaways. winners will be announced on Friday.

Stay In Step with High Heeled Life ...

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.Antiques and Teacups for Tuesday Cuppa Tea ~ Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea time Tuesday ~ Artful Affirmations and Martha's favorites for Teacup Tuesday  Table Top Tuesday ~  A Return to Loveliness Tuesday ~ Outdoor Wednesday ~ between naps on the front porch Thursday , Twig Studios for Sunday Show Off ~ Under the Table Dreaming for Sunday Showcase Party ~ Mosaic Monday