Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hello ~ I'm Making My Way Back...

Hello Lovelies:

I know it's been a while since I last posted here and visited many of you, thank you for all the emails and PM asking how I was doing -  know I'm slowly working my way back. There have been lots of changes happening all around me; some by choice, others not so much. In the midst of the chaos I launched the Resilientista Magazine (which I'll share more about on it's own future post); and my calendar has been filled with lots of community service, and taking care of my health & wellness.

As I reviewed all that was on my desk, I realized that I was in need of some serious streamlining for my well being, so I started to look at ways to do this. Writing two blogs was really overwhelming and so I have decided to only blog here. And will be restructuring Resilientista to better reflect the direction it is taking, which will no longer include a blog section. But don't worry lovelies, it is remaining self care , self love, and creating the life you want to be living in the next chapter of  your life -  focused. It will also be highlighting some extraordinary women who are passionate about helping women live their best life - can't wait to share all the fabulousness with you!!

Since I will be a little wrapped up finalizing the restructuring of Resilientista over the next couple of months, I'm sharing below some of the most popular posts from Resilientista Musings, you may not have seen or perhaps would enjoy reading again. 

I'm looking forward to being back to the blogging world very soon. 

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