Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, November 20, 2015

The week on Resilientista Musings No. 5

This year don't let the limited daylight exposure and cold temperatures keep you buried under the covers with a sign wake me in spring. Check out Don't Let the Cold Get you Down- 3 Tips to Beat the Isolation Blues that will get you out the door and participating in life no matter what the thermometer is registering.

We all know how important self care is but sometimes we need a help to get us going, so to inspire and prompt you to do one thing each week for YOU a new series called "This Week Why Not ...?" launched on Resilientista. This week's prompt was Have a Bath... I shared 5 must haves for a luxurious bath along with a Detox and Milk bath recipes that you will want to give a try!!

The Making Space for the Life You Want 4 Week Challenge has come to an end with week 4 - Decluttering Your Limiting BeliefsIn this final week of I challenged you to take a look at what limiting beliefs you have that may be preventing you from living your dream life and achieving your highest potential. And shared 3 easy steps to decluttering your limiting beliefs.
-read more here

You are the curator of your life so make it luxurious,

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