Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, March 27, 2015

Looking Back at the past couple of weeks...

Life is not always perfect and sometimes it may give us more grey days than colourful ones. It is during this time that we should remind our self of all the things we are grateful for. Here are something I have been up to and am grateful for these past couple of weeks.

Took myself out for a date ... 
did some brain storming for my next book.

I am GRATEFUL for remembering to eat healthy and still indulging in some treats ...

Pampered myself with flowers, pedi and chocolates too!!!

I am GRATEFUL For friendships ... 
Planning an adventure with Elizabeth, unexpected visit from Lois with my fav almond croissants - just in time for tea, and an outing with Fani that brighten a gloomy rainy day. 

At the change of seasons I like to sit down and take some time to reflect on the various areas that make up my life.This helps me to see what areas I'm happy with and which ones may require some extra attention. I like to create a soothing environment by lighting a candle, turning on soft music and pouring myself a cup of tea (or flute of bubbly). Once the mood is set I pull out my Wheel of Life worksheet*, intention/goal setting sheet and my favourite writing pen. 

*pop on over to my website where I'm sharing printable versions of these worksheets. (click here)

What are you THANKFUL for this week?

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,
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Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring A Time For Renewal ...

Looking out my home office window the mountains of snow in my yard are starting to shrink and if I look closely small patches of green are beginning to appear. The birds singing is a welcoming sound to my ears. Like most people in Toronto I am ready to say good bye to winter and hello to spring! 

To me spring is symbolic of decluttering and starting fresh. Perhaps the longer hours of day light encourage us to really see what we have been storing up over winter (material, emotional and physical). Or perhaps it's the extra burst of energy we feel when the temperature begins to climb and the sun shine, that persuades us to clean out the clutter. Either way it's a good time to freshen things up not just in our surroundings but also within our self. 

Here are a few posts that I've written over the years to help get you inspired on some inward spring cleaning:

Please share in the comments your tips for spring cleaning mind and body...

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...
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Friday, March 13, 2015

The Week in Photos & "PEP TALK" Lipstick Winner

Happy Friday my High Heeled Life lovelies!! Have you been enjoying the fabulous sunshine filled days we have been blessed with? And the warmer temperatures too.

The week started off with International Women's Day on March 8th. Mr. G surprised me with mimosa flowers and a beautiful card that read "When I think of you, I am Inspired".  The custom of giving the mimosa flower can be traced back to Italy around 1946. The flowers were intended to be given as a sign of respect and appreciation for women. 

I had a fabulous girls afternoon with a new friend. We enjoyed afternoon tea at Windsor Arms and a trip to Hermes in Yorkville! One is never too old to make new friends.

 The sunshine and warmer days - were a perfect excuse to escape from the HHL home office and head to Tasaa tea shop on the Danforth!

 Dolce and Gabbana had a long overdue trip to the groomers. I always chuckle at how different Dolce looks - and little Gabbana who doesn't look much different afterwards.

And sometimes ... Mac N Cheese from Pusateri's is a perfect start to a day. Yup, that's how I roll sometimes...

Thank you to everyone who entered the Hayley Elsaesser for MYNC in support of Dress for Success Give-away!! And special and extra thank you for your support and sharing about it - as it helps to bring awareness to a fabulous organization that supports and helps women move forward in life! If you would like to see the post about the Give-away and photos from the lipstick launch at MYNC click here.


Susan L.

Congrats Susan I will be emailing you to get your mailing details.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone ! and remember

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...
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Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Little Lip Service For a Great Cause & a Give-Away

I was honoured to have been invited to the launch of Pep Talk - a lipstick collaboration between MYNC and Canadian Fashion Designer Hayley Elsaesser in support of Dress for Success Toronto. Dress For Success Toronto is part of the non-profit organization that provides interview suits, confidence boosts, and career development to deserving women in over 139 cities worldwide. 
To me lipstick has always held a transformative power. In the early days of recovering post accident and pre-new elbow, my right hand could not touch my face (it would be almost 2 years before I would receive my new elbow). Applying make-up on myself became ancient history - but lipstick, a friend pointed out I could apply with my left hand. And lipstick became my friend. I recall feeling a sense of accomplishment whenever I applied lipstick and the emotional lift I got when I saw my reflection in the mirror. Truly amazing how a little tube of colour for your lips can have so much power. And now it can help the lives of many women in need.

Canadian Fashion Designer Hayley Elsaesser and MYNC Beauty team up to bring you a limited edition lipstick in “Pep Talk” for Toronto Fashion Week, with 100% of proceeds benefiting Dress for Success Toronto. Lipstick available to purchase in store and online.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Spring Will Soon Be Here: Time for New Beginnings, Growth, Renewal

March I'm so happy you have arrived!

This winter has been an exceptionally difficult and cold one, forcing us to stay inside - and I for one was happy to bid adeus to February. The birds are already singing and soon tulips will start sprouting through the earth in a symphony of colours. With light beginning to arrive earlier and lingering longer and longer each day, the temperature warming up - the affects are reflected in our happier moods. And though we can start fresh any time of the year; all over the world spring is particularly symbolic with new beginnings, growth and renewal

Are you wanting to take better care of yourself? Renovate a room in your home? Upgrade your wardrobe? Start eating healthier? Become more active? Go on a vacation? Live the Life of your dreams? not sure where or how to get started or you've tried - you have made "new year" resolutions, perhaps even set intentions but as you became busy with everyday life these hopes for the life you want have faded to the bottom of the LONG TO DO LIST, almost forgotten. Well don't worry, I have been right there where you are and I'm going to share with you what has helped me to keep my vision and dreams for the life I want to create and live upfront reminding me of what I want.